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Pinion Seal, Dust Seal & Bearing

Fig. 2 Bearing adjustment:

Fig. 3 Retaining ring & dust cover removal:

1. Remove adjuster plug lock nut from adjuster plug, Fig. 2.
2. Remove adjuster plug, spring and rack bearing.
3. Remove retaining ring from valve bore of housing and dust cover from bottom, Fig. 3.
4. While holding stub shaft, remove hex lock nut from pinion and valve assembly. Stub shaft must be held to prevent damage to pinion teeth.
5. Use an arbor press on threaded end of pinion until it is possible to remove dust seal, shaft seal and bearing assembly. Do not hammer or pound on pinion and valve assembly. Do not remove pinion and valve assembly from housing. press only far enough to allow bearing and seal removal.
6. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Lubricate seals, stub shaft and dust seal area with multi-purpose grease.
b. Lubricate rack bearing, adjuster spring and adjuster plug with lithium grease.
c. With rack center in gear assembly, turn adjuster plug clockwise until it bottoms in gear assembly, then back off 50-70 degrees (approximately one flat). Check rotational torque on pinion. Maximum pinion preload torque is 16 inch lbs.