Structural View
System Wiring Diagram
Light on operation
1. The start stop unit detects a light switch status signal (1).
2. The start stop unit sends the light switch status signal (2) to the body control module (BCM) via CAN communication.
3. The auto light sensor determines (3) the headlight on/off from a change in the illumination level outside of the vehicle, and sends a headlight on request signal (4) to the body control module (BCM) via LIN communication.
4. When the body control module (BCM) receives the light switch status signal (AUTO or TNS) and the headlight on request signal with the ignition switched ON (engine off or on), it turns the headlights LO or HI on (5). In addition, an auto-light on condition is set so that the headlights turn on at twilight.
Light off operation
1. The start stop unit detects a light switch status signal (1).
2. The start stop unit sends the light switch status signal (2) to the body control module (BCM) via CAN communication.
3. The auto light sensor determines (3) the headlight on/off from a change in the illumination level outside of the vehicle, and sends a headlight off request signal (4) to the body control module (BCM) via LIN communication.
4. When the body control module (BCM) receives the light switch status signal (AUTO or TNS) and the headlight off request signal with the ignition switched ON (engine off or on), it turns the headlights LO or HI off (5). In addition, to prevent the headlights from being frequently switched on/off, an auto-light on condition is set with the threshold of the illumination level for turning off set higher than the illumination level for turning on.