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Torque Converter Clutch Does Not Operate Smoothly

Torque converter clutch does not operate smoothly

A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve D defective

Drive plate defective or transmission incorrectly installed

Torque converter clutch piston defective

Torque converter defective

Torque converter regulator valve defective

Lock-up control valve defective


Inspect A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve D with the HDS A/T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve A, B, C, and D Test.


Check the line pressure A/T Pressure Test.


Check for a incorrectly installed transmission, and check the drive plate for wear and damage. Replace the drive plate if it is worn or damaged.


Check the stall speed A/T Stall Speed Test.


Replace the torque converter.


Be careful not to damage the torque converter housing when replacing the main ball bearing. You may also damage the ATF pump when you torque down the main valve body. This will cause ATF pump seizure, use the proper tools.


Check the torque converter regulator valve and the lock-up control valve in the regulator valve body for free movement. If the valves does not move, replace the regulator valve body.