Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



An wavy line at the end of a wire means the wire is broken and continues on another image.


Wire insulation can be one color, or one color with another color stripe (The second color is the stripe.)


This circuit continues on another image. (The arrow shows direction of current flow) To follow the RED/BLK wire in this example, you would turn to the next image(s) and look for the "Z" arrow.


This means the branch of the wire connects to another circuit. The arrow points to the name of the circuit branch where the wire continues.


A broken line means this part of the circuit is not shown; refer to the circuit listed for the complete schematic.


Where separate wires join, only the splice is shown; for details on the additional wiring, refer to the circuits listed.


Wire choices for options or different models are labeled and shown with a "choice" bracket.


The broken line shown perpendicular to both wires means both terminals are in connector C134.