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Symptom Troubleshooting

HandsFreeLink System Symptom Troubleshooting - The communication with cell phone is interrupted or changes

The communication with cell phone is interrupted or changes


- Check the vehicle battery condition first Testing and Inspection.
- Check the connectors for poor connections or loose terminals.
- Check if the audio system functions normally.
- Do not put the Bluetooth phone in the trunk or in a metal briefcase as it may not function properly.
- Check online at www.acura.com/handsfreelink or call the HFL support desk at 888-528-7876 to make sure the Bluetooth phone is compatible with the HFL system and that there are no known issues.

1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).

2. Turn on the audio unit, and check for sound in each mode (AM, FM, XM, and CD).

Does the symptom occur?


Substitute a known-good audio unit Audio Unit Removal / Installation, and recheck. If the symptom/indication goes away, replace the original audio unit Audio Unit Removal / Installation.�

NO -

Go to step 3.

3. Duplicate the symptom with the Bluetooth phone.

Does the symptom occur in a specific place or under an specific condition?


Operation is normal: Bluetooth audio is OK at this time. Electric wave or other interference interference.�

NO -

Go to step 4.

4. If you have the client's phone, go to step 5. Otherwise, pair a known-good cell phone to the client's vehicle.

Can you pair the Bluetooth phone, and does it operate normally?


The client's Bluetooth phone is defective or not compatible.�

NO -

Go to step 5.

5. Pair the client's Bluetooth phone to a known-good vehicle.

Can you pair the Bluetooth phone, and does it operate normally?


Go to step 6.

NO -

The client's Bluetooth phone is defective or not compatible.�

6. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).

7. Check the connections at the HandsFreeLink control unit 28P connector terminals.

Are the connections and terminals connected properly?


Go to step 8.

NO -

Repair the connection, and recheck.�

8. Disconnect the HandsFreeLink control unit 28P connector and audio unit connector C (14P).

9. Check for continuity between the HandsFreeLink control unit 28P connector and body ground according to the table.

Is there continuity?


There is a short to body ground in the wire(s) between the HandsFreeLink control unit 28P connector and body ground. Replace the affected shielded harness.�

NO -

Go to step 10.

10. Check for continuity between audio unit connector C (14P) and the HandsFreeLink control unit 28P connector according to the table.

Is there continuity?


Go to step 11.

NO -

There is an open in the wire(s) between the audio unit and the HandsFreeLink control unit. Replace the affected shielded harness.�

11. Check for continuity between the terminals of the HandsFreeLink control unit 28P connector according to the table.

Is there continuity?


There is a short in the wire(s) between the audio unit and the HandsFreeLink control unit. Replace the affected shielded harness.�

NO -

Substitute a known-good HandsFreeLink control unit Service and Repair, and recheck. If the symptom/indication goes away, replace the original HandsFreeLink control unit Service and Repair.�