Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Part 2

Navigation System Diagnostic Mode

Hard Key

This diagnostic tests the interface dial and the buttons that surround it. For this model, the interface dial and buttons do not use the GA-Net bus for communications.

To complete the test, touch each button on the vehicle's control panel, and move the interface dial to each indicated position. As each function is tested, the corresponding button on the display should highlight.

To exit, push in and hold the selector knob.

NOTE: You cannot use the on screen return button to exit this function

Yaw Sensor

This screen gives a quick test of the yaw sensor functionality based on the two voltages Sensor and Offset. For more information see the Yaw Rate diagnostic.


This diagnostic tests the navigation DVD reader.

Rear Camera

- This tests whether rearview camera is connected to the navigation unit.
- When connection is shown NG, check the rearview camera signal line.


This checks the four wire communication bus between the HandsFreeLink control unit and the navigation unit. This test does not check the system components, only the connections.

Functional Setup

Select the item you want to check.

- Save Users Memory
- Demo Mode (Map type)
- Mic Level
- Log Data (Compass type)
- GPS Send Time (Compass type)
- Solar Angle (Compass type)

Map type

Compass type

Save Users Memory

When replacing the navigation unit, this function allows the technician to transfer the client's personal data to the new navigation unit.

The transferred information includes their setup settings, and personal addresses. The dealer inserts a PC card to the navigation unit, and then selects the Save Users Memory function. The two functions in this diagnostic screen are EXPORT and IMPORT. EXPORT saves the client's data to the PC card, and IMPORT moves the PC card files to the new navigation unit .

Before starting this function, see the PC card FAQs for information regarding PC cards, and how to use this function.

1. Select the EXPORT button to move the client's data from the original navigation unit to the PC card. Select YES on the Export User Data confirmation screen. The process takes only a couple of seconds. The system stores two files on the card.

NOTE: If the EXPORT button is grayed out, check the PC card's edge connector, and the pins inside the navigation unit (with a flashlight ) for damage.

2. After installing the client's original DVD in the new navigation unit, allow the system to boot up. Insert the PC card in the new navigation unit and enter the Save Users Memory in the navigation system diagnostic mode.

3. Select the IMPORT button to move the two files stored by the Export process from the PC card to the new navigation unit. Select YES on the import User Data confirmation screen. When the transfer is finished (a few seconds) the system automatically reboots. After the system reboots, remove the PC card from the PC card slot.

NOTE: If the IMPORT button is grayed out, check if the Model and the Program Flash shown on the Version screen are the same for the two (original and replacement) navigation units.

Demo Mode (Map type)

This screen is for factory use only, and should always be set to OFF. Occasionally the DEMO setting is turned ON when vehicles are being used at Auto Shows or similar events. Turning this feature on, allows the navigation system to automatically follow a route to a destination when the vehicle is stationary. The Speed changes the speed of the demo mode.

Mic Level

This diagnostic allows you to independently test the microphone and the navigation TALK and BACK buttons. They are used to activate the voice control system. The microphone is located near the map light in the roof console. The microphone can now isolate the driver's voice even when there is none or other conversations in the vehicle. To properly check the microphones, make sure you are sitting in the driver's seat.

- Press the navigation TALK button on the steering wheel, wait until you hear a beep and in a normal voice say testing. The TALK indicator on the screen should momentarily turn green, and the text Now Recording... should appear in yellow. If the talk indicator shown on the screen does not briefly turn green, then check the wiring from the steering wheel navigation TALK button to the navigation unit. If there is no Mic Level movement when you speak, then you should check the wires running from the microphone in the roof console to the HandsFreeLink control unit and the navigation unit. If the wires are OK, the microphone must be faulty; replace the microphone located in roof console Service and Repair.
- Press the navigation BACK button on the steering wheel. This should cause the Cancel indicator on the screen to momentarily turn green. If it does not briefly turn green, check the wiring from the steering wheel navigation BACK button to the navigation unit.

NOTE: The mic level should reach the 6th bar.

Log Data (Compass type)

This screen allows the factory to select log data to troubleshoot compass system issues.

- Normally there is no card in the PC Card Slot, and the PC slot door should always be closed. The screen should appear as shown.

- However, if the factory provides a PC card and instructs you to insert it into the card slot (label side up). Follow the factory procedure for gathering test data, and properly ending the test.

Solar Angle (Compass type)

This screen graphically displays the sun's position as determined by the GPS. The compass system uses the sun's angle, along with the sunlight sensor to control the driver/passenger A/C air flow. The heat that the A/C unit removes varies, depending on the angle of the sun entering the vehicle. This screen is for factory use only, and should not be adjusted.

- The screen shows a circular diagram of the sky oriented in the direction that the vehicle is pointing. During daylight hours a red dot is shown, representing the direction and elevation of the sun. The outer circle represents the horizon (0 degrees elevation). The middle circle is 30 degrees, the center circle is 60 degrees, and the very center is directly overhead (90 degrees).
- The manual tuning button should always be OFF.
- The Angle is the angle that the sun (shown with red dot) is above the horizon.
- The vehicle value represents the angle, clockwise from North, to the direction that the vehicle position (VP) icon is pointing (always points straight up).
- The direction value is the angle, measured clockwise from the VP (straight up) to the suns position.
- The reliability ranges from 1 to 3, and represents the accuracy of the Vehicle Position relative to the sun.

F-CAN System Link

F-CAN (Fast Controller Area Network) passes information between processors on the network. For example, the F-CAN network passes trip computer information between the gauge control module and the navigation unit for the trip computer function. The F-CAN network uses a communication protocol that transmits data at 500 Kbps.

- If the diagnostic screen below reads NG with the ignition switch ON (II), then diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) for the F-CAN can be retrieved with the HDS (Honda Diagnostic System). The data displayed in the ID boxes is irrelevant.
- For more details on troubleshooting the F-CAN.

Coverage Area

This screen allows the dealer to select the area that applies to their location. The choice is US (continental) or Hawaii. The default is US. Select the choice (the system may reboot), exit the diagnostic mode, and restart the vehicle.

NOTE: This function is designed to operate only when the vehicle is physically located in the coverage area you select.

GPS Information

This screen shows the current status of GPS reception. The circular diagram shows the current location of the GPS satellites (yellow numbers) as they would appear in the sky. The outer circle represents the horizon (0 degrees elevation). The middle and inner circles represents 30 and 60 degrees respectively. The very center of the diagram (90 degrees elevation) is directly overhead. Nearby obstructions, like tall buildings will block satellites in that direction. That is why it is necessary to be in an open area to effectively troubleshoot GPS reception issues. The satellite numbers shown on the diagram correspond to the PRN number in the GPS Details screen. There are always at least 24 active GPS satellites in orbit. Because satellites fail, and have to be removed from service, spares are always parked in orbit, ready to be activated. This is why the PRN (satellite ID number) can be greater than 24.

NOTE: When you use this screen for troubleshooting, park the vehicle outside, away from buildings, tall trees, and high-tension wires for at least 10 minutes with the engine running.

- The Number of Satellites box shows the number of acquired satellites (maximum of 12). It should contain three or more icons. If not troubleshoot for GPS icon is white or not shown Symptom Troubleshooting.
- The Current Position shows latitude, longitude, and elevation (in feet). If there are less than four satellites, the elevation can be grossly inaccurate.
- The Date/Time field shows the current date, and also a time that includes daylight saving and other offsets entered by the client in Setup screen 2 Adjust Time Zone/Clock.

NOTE: Pressing the MAP/GUIDE button displays the satellite number on each circle.

GPS Detail

By pressing and holding the MENU button for 2 seconds, a GPS Detail screen appears. This screen displays real time incoming satellite positional data when the vehicle is outside in the open. The information shown on this screen is for factory use.

NOTE: The data shown is an example only.

- The box TS/AS and H Dop/V Dop is for factory use.
- The Speed and Direction information is updated in real time when driving.
- The Date/Time Information is the same as in Setup screen 2 Adjust Time Zone/Clock.
- If the 3D icon is shown above the yellow dots, this implies that at least four satellites are available for map positioning, and the GPS indicator on the map screen will be green. See the Global Positioning System detailed explanation in the System Description.
- If the row of data in the table below begins with a yellow dot, the AZI and EL fields can be used to locate each satellite on the circular GPS diagram (see prior screen).

The table of values shown below define the terms at the top of the columns in the GPS Detail screen.

Yaw Rate

This diagnostic checks the yaw rate sensor in the control unit. This device detects when the vehicle turns, and repositions the vehicle position icon on the map screen. For more detailed information, see the yaw rate sensor theory of operation under System Description.

- Sensor indicates the voltage output from the yaw rate sensor. It should indicate about 2.500 V when the vehicle is stopped.
- Offset is the reference voltage or standard within the yaw rate sensor. It also should indicate about 2.500 V when the vehicle is stopped.
- A sensor output voltage LOWER than the Offset voltage indicates that the vehicle is turning to the right.
A sensor output voltage HIGHER than the Offset voltage indicates that the vehicle is turning to the left.
- The yaw rate offset, and sensor should both indicate about 2.500 V when the vehicle is stopped. If either reads zero, or 5.000 V, replace the navigation unit Service and Repair.
- The yaw rate offset and sensor should be within +/-0.01 V of each other when the vehicle is stopped. The sensor value should change relative to the offset as the vehicle turns while driving. If not, replace the navigation unit Service and Repair.

Example: Vehicle stopped

Example: Vehicle turning

- Sensitivity study represents the status of the internal tuning function. At initialization, this value starts at 6 and increases to 10 as the internal correction values become more accurate.
- The settings CCW Cal Factor, CW Cal Factor, and Set are for factory use only. THIS SHOULD NEVER BE ADJUSTED.
- For detailed analysis of the yaw rate select tuning.

Yaw Rate Tuning

This diagnostic allows you to graphically display problems with the yaw rate sensor.

- The ANG-Disp value accumulates any differences between the offset and sensor voltages (see Yaw Rate diagnosis). When the sensor functions properly, the random changes in these two voltages generally cancels out, so the value is 0. However if one voltage is consistently higher than the other, then the ANG-Disp value accumulates the constant change.
- The Reset button temporarily clears the angular accumulation (ANG-Disp), and clears the display dots.
- Do not touch the CCW, CW, or Set buttons. These are used for factory setup only.

Two tests are explained below. For large problems with the sensor values, the stationary test usually confirms whether the sensor is defective. For yaw rate issues related to driving, do the road test described below.

1. Stationary test: If the VP icon spins in place and the ANG-Disp value slowly increases or decreases in value, the yaw rate sensor is defective. Replace the navigation unit.

2. Road test: Drive the vehicle on a very straight road. Enter the diagnostic mode, select Yaw rate, and touch the Tuning button. While driving down a straight road, the white dots should trace a straight line across the screen. However, if you are driving on a straight road, and you notice the dots constantly dropping down or heading up as you drive, the navigation unit's yaw sensor is defective. You can touch Reset to clear ANG-Disp, and dotted lines.

If either test above fails, please enter Yaw rate sensor defective for the problem description, on the Navigation core return form.

NOTE: The CCW, CW, and Set buttons are disabled and cannot be activated.

Car Status

Use this screen to confirm that the navigation unit is properly receiving input signals. Signals equal to (0) are OFF, and signals equal to (1) are ON. If the value on the display does not match the actual vehicle status, then check the wire carrying the signal.

- VSP-Vehicle Speed Pulse from PCM (Navigation unit connector A (8P) terminal No. 6)
a) OFF (0) when vehicle is not moving
b) ON (1) when vehicle is moving

The VSP comes from the PCM as a dedicated signal. Internally, the navigation unit compares the actual VP on the map against street data to adjust the pulse to speed scaling factor. As this scaling factor becomes more accurate, the Level gradually increases from 0 to 10.

- BACK-Reverse indication from taillight relay (Navigation unit connector A (8P) terminal No. 5)
a) OFF (0) when the shift lever is in any position other than reverse
b) ON (1) when the shift lever is in reverse

The Back signal is used by the navigation unit to allow the map screen to show the VP moving backwards when in reverse. This signal is needed because the Speed Pulse has no direction indication.

- IGNITION-Ignition Switch Position Indication (Navigation unit connector A (8P) terminal No. 1 and No. 2)
Detects if the engine is running using information provided over the F-CAN bus.
a) OFF (0) when the ignition switch position is ACCESSORY (I)
b) ON (1) when the ignition switch position is ON (II)

- ILL-Illumination Indication (Navigation unit connector B (32P) terminal No. 5)
a) OFF (0) when parking lights, or headlights are off
b) ON (1) when parking lights, or headlights are on

The navigation uses the signal to determine whether to put the navigation screen into the Day or Night brightness mode. (Setup screen 1)


This item detects whether the illumination cancel function is in use.

a) OFF (0) if illumination cancel is not selected

b) ON (1) if illumination cancel is activated

The illumination cancel function is activated by increasing the dash brightness to MAX. The F-CAN bus passes this information from the gauge assembly to the navigation unit.

NOTE: This illumination cancel function is turned off when the display mode hard button is used. The button is located below and to the left of the interface dial. The illumination cancel function is turned on when you cycle the key.


This screen displays the current version information for the navigation system software. In addition, this screen allows the loading of updated software if requested by the factory, or instructed by a Service Bulletin. Software may be loaded from a CD or a PC card.

- Program Flash: Displays the version of the navigation software in memory.
NOTE: The last two letters of the Program Flash or DVD fields indicate which DVD is installed in the unit. The letters KA imply that a United States DVD is installed. If the letters are KC, then a Canada DVD is installed. (See coverage discussion below.)
- Program Disc: If displayed, this value represents the version of the navigation software on the navigation DVD.
- IPL, APL, DBOOT, and System uCom, are all for factory use.
- Model: For this model, the field should begin with SJA.

There are two navigation DVDs produced for this model.

- The white navigation DVD labeled United States is for the US market and contains maps for the contiguous 48 US states, Hawaii, and some southern portions of Canada.
- The gray navigation DVD labeled Canada, is for the Canada market, and contains maps for all of Canada, plus some of the northern US states. If clients with this DVD require full US coverage (including states like Florida and Texas), they may purchase a United States navigation DVD by contacting the DVD fulfillment desk.

An older navigation DVD cannot be used in a navigation unit that is uploaded with newer software. You may see this error if you order a new navigation unit as it may arrive with a higher software version loaded into its memory.

You may also see this error if a client inserted a newer navigation DVD into their unit. This is why it is never recommended that you show a client a new navigation DVD by inserting it into their current vehicle. Once the newer software is uploaded, they will see an error message when they reinstall their original navigation DVD.

If you need to Download (install) an older software version into the navigation unit, do this:

1. Install the original navigation DVD from the original navigation unit into the new navigation unit.

2. Select Download in the Version menu. The confirmation screen appears.

3. Select YES on the confirmation screen. The navigation system reboots.

4. After the navigation system reboots, go into the System Diagnostic Mode and select ECU Info. diagnosis, then select Mem Clear. The navigation system reboots.

NOTE: This step is necessary to delete all of the unwanted software version and to initialize the navigation ECU memory. Do not use Mem Clear except when doing this procedure.

5. Check that the navigation display shows the map properly.

Tire Calibrate

Compass type

As the vehicle moves, the compass system receives speed pulses from the PCM. These pulses are converted using a conversion factor to a mph speed that moves the vehicle position (VP) on the map. The navigation system has an internal tuning function that generates and refines this factor based on actual driving. The Study indicates the status of the tuning. At navigation initialization, it begins at 0, and increases to 10 as the navigation system is used.

- The Auto Tuning is factory set to ON, and should remain on.
- The Study indicates the tuning status. If it is less than 10, the unit is still calibrating.
- The Tire-Cal. Tuning and Set should not be used. It is for factory use only.

XM (HIP) (USA models)

These screens allow troubleshooting on XM or HIP (AcuraLink) problems. Select the item you want to troubleshoot, and follow the diagnostic instructions.

XM (HIP) System Link

This diagnostic tests the wires connecting the XM (HIP) components.

XM Status

You can check the XM status in this screen.


Select the item you want to troubleshoot, and follow the diagnostic instructions.

Note: Only select DATA RESET when instructed. Selecting DATA RESET will clear the AcuraLink registration, and the AcuraLink service will reset to the factory default. If the vehicle was already registered for the AcuraLink service, it will have to be reactivated by calling Acura Client Services and asking for the activation before all features will be available. The reactivation will cause the Feature Guide to start over at the first message, which will result in the client getting repeated messages.

Telematics Self-Diagnosis

This screen used to do self-diagnosis for the XM (HIP).

DTC Log Data

You can check the DTC log data in this screen.

NOTE: When DTC B2200-B2249 is displayed, it is an engineering mode, and is not for trouble diagnosis.

PC Card FAQs

Error Message Table