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Key Interlock System Circuit Troubleshooting

Key Interlock System Circuit Troubleshooting

NOTE: SRS components are located in this area. Review the SRS component locations Locations and precautions and procedures Service and Repair before doing repairs or servicing.

1. Check the A/T system DTCs with the HDS.

Are DTCs indicated?


Go to DTC troubleshooting How to Troubleshoot the A/T System.

NO -

Go to step 18.

2. Move the shift lever to P and set the parking brake.

3. Remove the driver's dashboard undercover Driver's Dashboard Undercover Removal / Installation and the steering column covers Steering Column Removal/Installation.

4. Disconnect the ignition switch control unit 10P connector.

5. Turn the ignition switch to ACCESSORY (I).

6. Check if the ignition switch can be turned to LOCK (0).

Can the ignition switch be turned to LOCK (0)?


Go to step 7.

NO -

Replace the ignition key cylinder/steering lock assembly Service and Repair.�

7. Check the No.32 (10 A) fuse in the driver's under-dash fuse/relay box.

Is the fuse OK?


Go to step 8.

NO -

Replace the fuse. If the fuse blows again, repair a short to ground in the No. 32 (10 A) fuse circuit.�

8. Make sure the ignition switch is turned to LOCK (0).

9. Disconnect the driver's under-dash fuse/relay box connector P (30P).

10. Check for continuity between the ignition switch control unit connector terminal No. 10 and body ground.

Is there continuity?


Repair a short to body ground in the wire between the key interlock solenoid and the driver's MICU.�

NO -

Go to step 11.

11. Check for continuity between driver's under-dash fuse/relay box P (30P) terminal No. 15 and ignition switch control unit 10P connector terminal No. 10.

Is there continuity?


Go to step 12.

NO -

Repair an open or high resistance in the wire between the key interlock solenoid and the driver's MICU.�

12. Move the shift lever P position.

13. Remove the center console Center Console Removal / Installation.

14. Disconnect the park pin switch/A/T gear position indicator panel light 8P connector, and remove it from the shift lever bracket.

15. Do the park pin switch test Testing and Inspection.

Is switch OK?


Go to step 16.

NO -

Check the park pin switch installation. If the switch installation is OK, replace the switch Service and Repair and retest.�

16. Check for continuity between park pin switch/A/T gear position indicator panel light 8P connector terminal No. 4 and body ground.

Is there continuity?


Repair a short to ground in the wire between the park pin switch/A/T gear position indicator panel light connector terminal No. 4 and the driver's MICU.�

NO -

Go to step 17.

17. Check for continuity between park pin switch/A/T gear position indicator panel light 8P connector terminal No. 5 and body ground.

Is there continuity?


Go to step 18.

NO -

Repair an open or high resistance in the ground wire or poor ground (G501).�

18. Check the A/T system Data List with the HDS.

Is the transmission range switch indicated ON when the shift lever is in P, and is the transmission range switch indicated OFF when the shift lever is shifted to any position other than P?


Go to step 2.

NO -

Go to step 19.

19. Do the transmission range switch test Transmission Range Switch Test.

Is switch OK?


Go to step 20.

NO -

Check the transmission range switch installation. If the switch installation is OK, replace the switch Service and Repair and retest.�

20. Disconnect the transmission range switch 10P connector.

21. Check for continuity between driver's under-dash fuse/relay box connector P (30P) terminal No. 16 and transmission range switch 10P connector terminal No.7.

Is there continuity?


Faulty driver's MICU; replace the driver's under-dash fuse/relay box Drivers Under-Dash Fuse/Relay Box (MICU) Removal/Installation.�

NO -

Repair an open or high resistance in the wire between transmission range switch and driver's MICU.�

22. Check for continuity between transmission range switch 10P connector terminal No.6 and body ground.

Is there continuity?


Faulty driver's MICU; replace the driver's under-dash fuse/relay box Drivers Under-Dash Fuse/Relay Box (MICU) Removal/Installation.�

NO -

Repair an open or high resistance in the ground wire or poor ground (G101).�