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Paddle Shifter Illumination Circuit Troubleshooting

Paddle Shifter Illumination Circuit Troubleshooting

SRS components are located in this area. Review the SRS component locations Locations, and the precautions and procedures Service and Repair before doing repair or service.

1. Remove the driver's airbag Driver's Airbag Replacement.

2. Disconnect the paddle shifter + (upshift switch) connector or the paddle shifter - (downshift switch) connector.

3. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II), and turn the lighting switch ON.

4. Measure the voltage between paddle shifter (+ or -) connector terminals No. 3 and No. 4.

Is there battery voltage?


- Replace the paddle shifter + (upshift switch) Paddle Shifter + (Upshift Switch) or Paddle Shifter - (Downshift Switch) Replacement when you check the paddle shifter + illumination line.�
- Replace the paddle shifter - (downshift switch) Paddle Shifter + (Upshift Switch) or Paddle Shifter - (Downshift Switch) Replacement when you check the paddle shifter - illumination line.�

NO -

Go to step 5.

5. Turn off the lighting switch, and turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).

6. Remove the steering wheel Steering Wheel Removal.

7. Check for continuity between cable reel subharness 20P connector terminal No. 8 and paddle shifter connector terminal No. 3, and between 20P connector terminal No. 9 and paddle shifter connector terminal No. 4.

Are there continuity?


Go to step 8.

NO -

Replace the steering switch harness Overhaul.�

8. Remove the cable reel Service and Repair.

9. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II), and turn the lighting switch ON.

10. Measure the voltage between dashboard wire harness 20P connector terminals No. 16 and No. 17.

Is there battery voltage?


Replace the cable reel.�

NO -

Go to step 11.

11. Measure the voltage between dashboard wire harness 20P connector terminal No. 17 and body ground.

Is there battery voltage?


Repair an open in the wire between dashboard wire harness 20P connector terminal No. 16 and gauge control module. If the wire is OK, do the gauge control module input test Gauge Control Module Input Test.�

NO -

Check for a blown No. 7 (7.5 A) fuse in the passenger's under-dash fuse/relay box. If the fuse is OK, repair an open or a short in the wire between dashboard wire harness 20P connector terminal No. 17 and the passenger's under-dash fuse/relay box.�