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Transfer Assembly Inspection - Out-of-vehicle

Transfer Assembly Inspection - Out-of-vehicle

Transfer Gear Backlash Measurement

1. Raise the vehicle on a lift, and make sure it is supported securely.

2. Shift the transmission into N.

3. Make reference marks (A) across the propeller shaft (B) and the transfer companion flange (C).

4. Separate the propeller shaft from the transfer companion flange.

5. Set a dial indicator (A) on the transfer companion flange (B); position the dial indicator tip (C) on the top of the bolt (D).

6. Measure transfer gear backlash.

7. If the transfer gear backlash is out of the standard, replace the transfer assembly.

Total Starting Torque Measurement

1. Remove the transfer assembly Transfer Assembly Removal.

2. Secure the transfer housing (A) in a bench vise (B) with soft jaws. To prevent damaging the transfer housing, always use soft jaws or equivalent materials between the transfer housing and the vise.

3. Rotate the companion flange (C) several turns to seat the tapered roller bearings.

4. Measure the total starting torque at the companion flange using a torque wrench (D) and a socket (E).

5. If the total starting torque is out of the standard, replace the transfer assembly.

Fluid Leak Check

1. Check for fluid leaks between the mating surfaces of the transfer assembly and the transmission.

2. If there is leak, remove the transfer assembly, remove the transfer cover, and replace the transfer cover oil seal and the O-ring Transfer Cover Oil Seal Replacement.

3. Check for fluid leaks between the transfer companion flange and the transfer oil seal.

4. If there is a leak, remove the transfer assembly, replace the transfer oil seal and the companion flange O-ring Transfer Oil Seal Replacement. Do not replace the oil seal with the transfer assembly on the transmission.