Volume Does Not Change
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting - Volume does not change
Volume does not change
- Check the vehicle battery condition first Battery Test.
- Check the connectors for poor connections or loose terminals.
- Set the fader and the balance positions to the center.
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (II).
2. Turn on the audio unit, and check for sound in each mode (AM, FM, XM, and CD).
Is the sound normal?
Go to step 3.
NO -
Go to Sound Quality Diagnosis Audio System Sound Quality Diagnosis, or No sound is heard from the speaker(s) (display is normal) (with ELS audio) No Sound Is Heard From the Speaker(s) (Display Is Normal) (With ELS Audio System) (With Navigation System) troubleshooting, (with premium audio) No Sound Is Heard From the Speaker(s) (Display Is Normal) (With Premium Audio System) (Without Navigation System) troubleshooting.
3. Operate the volume knob to see if the volume changes.
Does the volume change?
Operation is normal.
NO -
- With ELS audio: Substitute a known-good audio unit Audio Unit Removal/Installation (With Navigation System), and recheck. If the symptom/indication goes away, replace the original audio unit Audio Unit Removal/Installation (With Navigation System).
- With premium audio: Go to step 4.
4. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
5. Disconnect audio switch panel connector B (5P) and audio unit connector C (28P).
6. Check for continuity between audio switch panel connector B (5P) and audio unit connector C (28P) according to the table.
Is there continuity?
Go to step 7.
NO -
There is an open in the wire(s) between the audio unit and the audio switch panel. Replace the affected shielded harness. Replace the affected shielded harness.
7. Check for continuity between body ground and audio switch panel connector B (5P) terminals No. 3 and No. 5 individually.
Is there continuity?
There is a short to body ground in the wire(s) between the audio unit and the audio switch panel. Replace the affected shielded harness.
NO -
Go to step 8.
8. Check for continuity between the terminals of audio switch panel connector B (5P) according to the table.
Is there continuity between any of the terminals?
There is a short in the wire(s) between the audio unit and the audio switch panel. Replace the affected shielded harness.
NO -
Substitute a known-good audio unit Audio Unit Removal/Installation (Without Navigation System), and recheck. If the symptom/indication goes away, replace the original audio unit. If the symptom is still present, substitute a known-good audio switch panel Audio Switch Panel Removal / Installation (Without Navigation System), and recheck. If the symptom/indication goes away, replace the original audio switch panel Audio Switch Panel Removal / Installation (Without Navigation System).