Torque Converter Clutch Does Not Operate Smoothly; Torque Converter Clutch Does Not Engage or Disengage
Torque converter clutch does not operate smoothly; torque converter clutch does not engage or disengage
Shift solenoid valve D defective
A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C defective
Torque converter clutch piston defective
Torque converter check valve defective
Lock-up shift valve defective
Lock-up control valve defective
Lock-up timing valve defective
Foreign material in separator plate orifice
Test the shift solenoid valve with the HDS Shift Solenoid Valve Test, Replacement, and Shift Solenoid Wire Harness Replacement.
Check for a seized shift solenoid valve, and inspect the O-rings.
Test A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C with the HDS A/T Clutch Pressure Control Solenoid Valve C Test.
Inspect the A/T clutch pressure control solenoid valve C body gasket, the ATF feed pipes, and the O-rings for wear and damage.
Check the torque converter check valve, the lock-up shift valve, and the lock-up timing valve in the main valve body for free movement, and check the valve springs for wear and damage.
Check the lock-up control valve in the regulator valve body for free movement, and check the valve spring for wear and damage.
Replace the torque converter.
Check for a clogged orifice in the separator plate. If the orifice is clogged, remove it and clean the separator plate orifice.