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Distributor Caps - Driveability

Group: 28
Number: 93-03
Date: May 15, 1993

Vehicle driveability - Distributor Caps

All models All Model Years

(Supercedes Technical Bulletin: Repair Group 28, Number 90-02, August 31, 1990)

For customer complaints related to vehicle driveability, follow the troubleshooting procedures as outlined in the appropriate Repair Manual in Repair Groups, 01, 25 and 28. Also refer to any applicable Technical Bulletins regarding Vehicle Driveability.

If troubleshooting procedures guide you to a suspected distributor cap malfunction, proceed as follows:

^ Inspect the ignition distributor cap for: Cracking

Terminal damage (excessive pitting or corrosion) Damaged or worn rotor contact (carbon terminal) Evidence of arcing (carbon tracks)

If the cap is cracked or the terminals are excessively pitted, corroded or damaged or the carbon terminal is damaged or worn:

^ Replace the distributor cap

If carbon tracks are found, do NOT replace the cap, instead

^ Remove the ignition distributor cap and detach the RFI suppressor

^ Wipe the distributor cap and the inside of the RFI suppressor to remove any carbon deposits using a clean dry cloth

^ After inspecting and wiping the affected areas, spray the cap and the RFI suppressor with a dielectric spray

^ Re-install the cap assembly and check to see if the driveability problem has been eliminated or if the problem could be caused by a different condition or component