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Sunroof Assembly, Assembling

Sunroof assembly, assembling

Note: Assemble sunroof on bench and then install complete sunroof assembly in vehicle

^ lightly lubricate new sunroof cables with mineral oil
^ install cables into guide rail (arrow) on both sides
^ install cables into guide tubes and push guide tubes into guide rail

^ install cable guide tubes into front cable guide support

^ install side rail covers (both sides)
^ put Loctite on screws and tighten
^ 1.0 + 0.2 Nm

^ slide sunroof support on to guide rails
^ install front rail cover(1)
^ coat screws with Loctite
^ 1.0 + 0.2 Nm

CAUTION! Front sunroof support is "twisted" when manufactured. Therefore, one end of guide rail will be higher than other. This is normal. Do not try to correct this condition.

^ check that felt backing is installed
A = 55 mm X 25 mm
B = 50 mm X 35 mm
C = 15 mm X 30 mm
a = 20 mm gap
^ install sunroof trim retainer on guide plate/tilt bracket
^ install washer and clip as shown

^ install guide plate/tilt bracket over pin on sunroof cable
^ install 0-ring and clip (16)
^ attach rain deflector lever (18) to guide plate/tilt bracket and install clip

^ slide cables A (guide plate/tilt bracket attached) rearward until aligned with marking line on guide rail (arrow)

CAUTION! When lining up cables to guide rail, always move cables from front of vehicle rearward to marking lines. Do not move cables from rear of vehicle forward to marking lines.

^ slide sunroof headliner into guide rails from rear

^ install acoustic gasket on front rail cover (arrows)

^ install acoustic gasket on rain deflector plate (arrows)

Note: Be sure that lip of rear acoustic gasket faces front of vehicle.