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Door Component Carrier

Door Component Carrier, Adjusting

NOTE: Door must be properly adjusted.

- Set bolts (arrows) so that door component carrier - 1 - can just be moved (bolt on adjustment plate - 3 - may be engaged but not tightened).
- Seat second technician in vehicle.
- Close door.

- From inside, second technician pushes door component carrier against roof and B-pillar.
The carrier must be pushed slightly further than desired to make allowance for restoring force of rubber seal.
- First technician checks door component carrier from outside vehicle for proper positioning.
- Adjustment plate - 3 - must then be pushed upward until it makes contact with surface of door - 2 - and door component carrier - 1 -.

CAUTION: Adjusting plate - 3 - must always be installed.

- To adjust tilt of door around C-pillar, shift adjusting plate - 3 -.
If the rear portion of the door (e.g. at the bottom) sticks out too much, the adjusting plate must be shifted upward. This will tilt the bottom of the door towards the car interior and the top of the door outward.

- Carefully open door and tighten bolts (arrows).
Tightening torque: 30 Nm (22 ft.lb)
- Close door and examine adjustment of door component carrier - 1 -.
If the positioning of the door component carrier is incorrect, then the procedure must be repeated.

Correct positioning of door component carrier

1 - Window for rear door
- Window must penetrate 5 mm (measurement - a -) into upper portion of door seal - 3 -
- Window must penetrate 5 mm (measurement - c -) into rear portion of door seal - 3 -
2 - Door component carrier
3 - Door seal
- Gap between lower edge of roof trim molding - 4 - and lower edge of seal - 3 - is 18.3 mm (measurement - b -)
4 - Roof trim molding
5 - C-pillar