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Read Measuring Value Block (Function 08)

The control module can transmit measured values. These measured values provide information about the operational status of the system and the sensors connected to it. In many cases the data supplied can be used to troubleshoot and repair malfunctions. The measured values from the ABS/EDL Bosch 5.3 series are contained in four display groups, which can be accessed via their display group numbers.
- Observe safety precautions that apply to road tests.
- Connect the VAG1551 Scan Tool (ST) and select address word 03 "Brake Electronics".

- When the printer is switched on, the contents of the display will be printed out on the scan tool log.
- When reading the measuring value block, also check wiring and connectors for loose terminals.

- Check the control module version and press the (arrow) button.

Indicated on display:
- Press buttons -0- and -8- to select "Read measuring value block" function 08.

Indicated on display:
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Indicated on display:
- Press buttons -O-,-O- and -1-.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Test table: display group 1

- Display fields 1 through 4 show the current wheel circumference speeds in km/h. These are calculated by the ABS control module -J104- on the basis of the signals received from the wheel speed sensors. If one of the display fields shows no reading, proceed as for DTC's 00283, 00285, 00287, 00290 "ABS Wheel Speed Sensor" Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) table
- In order to check whether wheel speed sensors are properly allocated to each wheel, the vehicle must be raised. On vehicles with manual transmission put the gear shift lever in neutral. On vehicles with automatic transmission move the selector lever to position "N". Turn appropriate wheel by hand. Remaining drive wheels must be secured against turning.
- When a vehicle is accelerated uniformly on a dry surface, the displayed value increase continuously by whole numbers; e.g. 6 km/h, 7 km/h, 8 km/h .... The difference between displayed values 1-4 should not be more than 1 km/h (error from out-of-round wheels). If the values jump, for instance from...6km/h, 7km/h, to 12km/h...or if the difference between the displayed values is greater than 1 km/h, then check the installation of the wheel speed sensors and rotors.

1) On Board Diagnostic (OBD) is terminated by the ABS control module -J104- if road speed exceeds 19 km/h.

Note: The display group numbers can be selected in sequence by pressing buttons (arrow) 1 and 3 (arrow) on the VAG1551 scan tool, or the arrow buttons (up) and (down) on the VAG1552 mobile scan tool.

- Press -C- button to input display group number manually.

Indicated on display:
- Press buttons -0-, -0- and -2-.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Part 1 Of 2:

Part 2 Of 2:

Test table: display group 2

Note: The display group numbers can be selected in sequence by pressing buttons (arrow) 1 and 3 (arrow) on the VAG1551 scan tool, or the arrow buttons (up) and (down) on the VAG1552 mobile scan tool.

- Press -C- button to input display group number manually.

Indicated on display:

Note: For display group 3 (005):
- To read the display fields for engine speed and current engine torque with the engine running, communication between the scan tool and the control module must be terminated via the "End Output" function. Start the engine and reinitiate communication between the scan tool and the control module.

- Press buttons -0- and -8- to select "Read measuring value block" function 08.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
- Press buttons -0-, -0- and -3-.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Part 1 Of 2:

Part 2 Of 2:

Test table: display group 3

Note: The display group numbers can be selected in sequence by pressing buttons (arrow) 1 and 3 (arrow) on the VAG1551 scan tool, or the arrow buttons (up) and (down) on the VAG1552 mobile scan tool.

- Press -C- button to input display group number manually.

Indicated on display:
- Press buttons -O-, -O- and -4-.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Part 1 Of 2:

Part 2 Of 2:

Test table: display group 4