Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Alignment: Service Precautions

- Do not re-use any fasteners that are worn or deformed in normal/ use.

- Some fasteners are designed to be used only once, and are unreliable and may fail if used a second time. This includes, but is not limited to, nuts, bolts, washers, circlips and cotter pins Always follow the recommendations in this information replace these fasteners with new parts where indicated, and any other time it is deemed necessary by inspection.

The wheel alignment should be measured using VW/Audi approved wheel alignment equipment.

Wheel alignment checks must always include both the front and the rear axles. Otherwise the proper running characteristics of the vehicle cannot be ensured.

- The wheel alignment should not be checked before the vehicle has completed 1000 - 2000 km (600 - 1200 miles) so that the coil springs have time to settle.

- When making adjustments, the relevant specifications should be adhered to as closely as possible.