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Connecting and Operating VAG 1551 Scan Tool

- Supply voltage of OK.
- Voltage supply, as well as fuses for each of the systems OK (No. 3,15 and 31).
- Ground connections for transmission OK. (Ground attachment point is located at right front at A-pillar)
- Battery Ground strap and Ground strap between battery and transmission OK.
- Selector lever in position "P" and parking brake applied.
- Open rear ashtray (in center console) and remove cover for Data Link Connector (DLC).

- Switch off ignition (if not already off) and connect Scan Tool VAG 1551 with diagnostic cable VAG 1551/3.

- Additional operating information can be displayed by pressing the HELP key of VAG 1551.
- The key is used for moving forward within the gram.
- - VAG 1551, Scan Tool Operating Instructions.

Readout in display [ (1) appears alternately ]

VAG On Board Diagnostic HELP

1 - Rapid data transfer (1)
2 - Blink code output (1)

- Switch on ignition.
- Depress brake pedal once.
- Switch on printer with Print key (indicator lamp in key comes on).

- Press key 1 for operating mode "Rapid data transfer".

Readout in display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Enter address word XX

- After entering code 33 and confirming with the Q key, On Board Diagnostic (OBD) can be conducted. The stored malfunctions are displayed and printed out one after the other.

Readout in display [ (1) appears alternately ]

VAG On Board Diagnostic HELP

1 - Rapid data transfer (1)
2 - Blink code output (1)

- Press key 1 for operating mode "Rapid data transfer".

Readout in display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Enter address word XX

- Press keys 0 and 2. (The address word "transmission electronics" is selected with 02.)

Readout in display

Rapid data transfer Q
02 transmission electronics

- Confirm entry with the key Q.

Readout in display

8D0927156 AGV 01V 2.8l 2V RDW D80
Coding 00000 WSC 00000

The control module identification is displayed:

Control Module Identification
Depending on the production status (data status) the control module may display a different control module identification than shown in this example.
- 8D0927156: Part Number
- AG5 01V: 5-Speed Automatic transmission 01V
- D59: EPROM (data status)

Readout in display

Control module does not answer! HELP

A list of the possible causes of malfunctions can be printed out by pressing the HELP key.

- After correcting possible causes of malfunctions, once again enter address word 02 for "transmission electronics" and confirm with Q key.

If "Control module does not answer!" is again displayed: Test supply voltage of the control unit.
- Perform test step 1, Electrical test.
- Check wiring connections to Data Link Connector (DLC).
- See DTC table, DTC 65535, Control module faulty!
- Press ---> key.

Readout in display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

A list of the possible functions is printed out after pressing the HELP key.

List of functions which can be selected
01 - Reading control module version Performing On Board Diagnostic
02 - Reading DTC memory
03 - Output Diagnostic Test Mode
O5 - Erasing DTC memory
06 - Ending output
O8 - Reading Measuring Value Block

Further functions which are printed out after pressing the HELP key, can be ignored.
After reading the function, the VAG 1551 returns to the following initial setting:

Readout in display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

Address Word 33 Diagnostic Modes