Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Display Group 01, Display Fields 1 - 4

WARNING: When driving or riding in airbag equipped vehicles, never hold test equipment in your hands or lap when the vehicle is in motion. Objects between you and the airbag can increase the risk of injury in an accident.

Test Table:

Test Table:

Note for display group number 01, display field 1 to 3: - Test condition: Gearshift must be completed, vehicle not decelerating (not driving downhill or with engine braking).

Test Table:

1) When driving, a 2nd technician is required for reading the specifications.
2) The transmission control module is equipped with automatic gear tracking. The last activated forward gear is stored.

Note for Gear engaged: Faulty solenoid valves or other diagnosed malfunctions may prevent a particular gear being engaged.

1) When driving, a 2nd technician is required for reading the specifications, - SEE WARNING.