Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Seat Belt Systems: Service Precautions

Safety Precautions For Handling Pyrotechnic Seat Belt Tensioners

- Testing, removing, installing and repair work must only be carried out by properly qualified personnel.
- When connecting the seat belt tensioner unit, all mechanical components (including those of the three-point seat belt) must be properly attached.
- Only the technician carrying out the work may be present inside the vehicle.
- The seat belt tensioner components cannot be opened or repaired; always use new components.
- Seat belt tensioner units which have been dropped from a height of more than 20 inches must not be installed in a vehicle.
- Seat belt tensioner units which are mechanically damaged (dents, cracks) must always be replaced.
- The seat belt tensioner unit should not be removed from its packaging until just before it is to be installed.
- If the installation work is interrupted, return the seat belt tensioner unit to its packaging.
- Never point the open end of a seat belt tensioner at another person.
- Always wash your hands after handling seat belt tensioners which have been triggered.
- Observe all transportation regulations for explosive substances.
- Do not leave an uninstalled seat belt tensioner unit unattended.
- Seat belt tensioner units must not be treated with grease, cleaners or similar substances.
- Seat belt tensioner units must not be exposed to temperatures above 100 degrees C (212 degrees F), even for short periods.