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Rear Door Window Glass: Adjustments

Rear Window, Adjusting

- Make reference mark (measurement - a - = 9 mm) on window using water soluble pen at height of B-pillar.

- Place window on window regulator.
- Run window almost all the way up.
The window - 1 - and the seal - 4 - for the door component carrier must be parallel to each other in the vicinity of roof and C-pillar.
- Push window - 1 - in direction of B-pillar - 3 -.

NOTE: Window - 1 - must submerge 9 mm (measurement - a -) into seal - 4 - for door component carrier - 3 -.

- Tighten bolts on mount at window regulator.
Tightening torque: 2.5 Nm (22 in.lb)
- Run window - 1 - all the way up.
- Check measurement - a - and erase reference marking.