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Engine Code AAH From 8/94, Engine Code AFC

Component layout, engine code AAH from 8.94 engine code AFC

Note: Always replace all seals and gaskets.

1. Bearing cap
Installation position, refer to Camshaft, Lifters and Push Rods/Camshaft, Engine/Service and Repair Service and Repair

2. 17 Nm (13 ft lb)

3. Camshaft
Removing and installing, refer to Camshaft, Lifters and Push Rods/Camshaft, Engine/Service and Repair Service and Repair
Checking axial clearance, refer to Camshaft, Lifters and Push Rods/Camshaft, Engine/Service and Repair Service and Repair
Maximum allowable play: 0.01 mm (0.0004 in)

4. Valve stem seal
Always replace
Changed from earlier version
Replacing, refer to Valve Guide Seal/Service and Repair Service and Repair

5. Cylinder head
Resurfacing cylinder head, refer to Cylinder Head Assembly/Service and Repair Service and Repair
Refacing valve seats, refer to Valve Seat/Service and Repair Service and Repair

6. Oil seal
Always replace
Replacing, refer to Camshaft Oil Seal/Service and Repair Service and Repair
Toothed belt, removing and installing, refer to Toothed Belt/Service and Repair Service and Repair

7. Exhaust valve
Changed from earlier version
Stem diameter 7 mm (0.27 in)
Checking, Valve, Intake/Exhaust/Testing and Inspection/Procedures [1][2]Testing and Inspection
Checking and replacing valve guides, refer to Valve Guide/Testing and Inspection/Procedures Testing and Inspection

8. Hydraulic valve lifter
Oil contact surfaces before installing
Store with cam lobe contact surface facing downward
Checking, refer to Lifter, Valve/Testing and Inspection/Procedures Testing and Inspection

9. Intake valve
Changed from earlier version
Checking and refacing, refer to Valve, Intake/Exhaust/Testing and Inspection/Procedures [1][2]Testing and Inspection
Checking and replacing valve guides, refer to Valve/ Intake/Exhaust/Testing and Inspection/Procedures [1][2]Testing and Inspection