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MIL ON - DTC's Stored After Driving with Low Fuel Level

Group: 01

Number: 95-11

Date: Dec. 6, 1995

MIL ON, Multiple Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC's) Stored After Driving Vehicle with Fuel Level Low

A4, A6 with OBDII 1995


Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) comes ON after driving vehicle with a low fuel level.

A vehicle that is low (less than 3 gallons) or empty of fuel can cause a lean fuel condition and subsequent misfiring. This series of events depending on conditions can generate one or more Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) to be stored in DTC memory.


If a vehicle exhibits the above condition:

It is possible that a vehicle may have a condition which causes the MIL to come on which is not related to a low or empty fuel level It is important to eliminate this possibility before assuming that the low or empty fuel level is the cause for the MIL ON.

If no other condition exists that has caused the MIL to come on:

- Verify with customer that the MIL came on after vehicle was driven with fuel level low.

- Interrogate and erase DTC memory.

- Test drive vehicle to assure MIL stays off and no DTC's are stored.

It is important to note that a low fuel level DTC and subsequent DTC's related to a low fuel level are a built in design feature of the OBDII system.

When procedure applies to vehicles within warranty use the following:

Part Identifier: 9027

Labor Operation: 9027710 25TU