Tracks 91-101
Diagrams By Track NumberSecondary Air Pump - Track 91-101:
Fuse colors
30 A - green
25 A - white
20 A - yellow
20 A - blue
15 A - red
5 A - beige
Track Continuations
Previous Diagram Tracks 79-90
Next Diagram Tracks 102-108
To Refer to
73 Tracks 68-78 Tracks 68-78
75 Tracks 68-78 Tracks 68-78
78 Tracks 68-78 Tracks 68-78
79 Tracks 79-90 Tracks 79-90
169 Tracks 159-172 Tracks 159-172
V94 - Central Locking, Alarm System, Interior Light Delay Control Module
N115 - Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Solenoid Valve
S130 - Fuse for secondary air pump
V144 - Leak Detection Pump (LDP)
J192 - MFI Engine Control Module (ECM)
K83 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
F125 - Multi-Function Transmission Range (TR) Switch
J299 - Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Relay
N112 - Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Solenoid Valve
V101 - Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Motor
J217 - Transmission Control Module (TCM)
T3n - 3-Pin Connector, yellow, in electronic box, in footwell, right front
T6f - 6-Pin Connector, yellow, in electronic box, in footwell, front right
T6an - 6-Pin Connector, white, connector station 2
T6bk - 6-Pin Connector, yellow, near fuel system diagnostic pump
NOTE: Grounds connections are indicated on the diagram by a numeric code inside a circle.
85 - Ground connection -1-, in engine compartment wiring harness