Input Shaft: Service and Repair: Overview
Note: When installing new gears or input shaft, refer to "Application and Identification" for Code letters, engine/transmission applications, ratios, capacities. Application and ID
1. Circlip
- Measure thickness
- If ball bearing and shaft are to be used again, measure circlip thickness with micrometer and install circlip of same thickness
2. Ball bearing for input shaft
- Install after installing input shaft
3. Circlip
- Measure thickness
- If ball bearing and shaft are to be used again, measure circlip thickness with micrometer and install circlip of same thickness
4. Transmission housing
5. Needle bearing for input shaft
- Press in with tool 40-202
- Press-in depth for needle bearing, refer to "Procedures"
6. Input shaft
7. Needle bearing for 3rd gear
8. 3rd gear
- Install spring before installing gear, refer to "Procedures"
9. 3rd gear synchronizer ring
- Check for wear, refer to "Procedures"
10. Circlip
- Observe installation position: refer to "Procedures", see item 3
11. 3rd/4th gear synchronizer hub
- Higher inner shoulder faces toward 3rd gear
- Pressing off, refer to "Procedures"
- Pressing on, refer to "Procedures"
12. Circlip
- Thickness must be remeasured when replacing synchronizer hub
- Observe installation position and table: refer to "Procedures", see item 4
- Determining thickness, refer to "Procedures"
13. 3rd/4th gear operating sleeve
- Installation position, refer to "Procedures"
14. 4th gear synchronizer ring
- Check for wear, refer to "Procedures"
15. 4th gear
- Install spring before installing gear, refer to "Procedures"
16. Needle bearing for 4th gear
17. 5th gear
- Pressing off, refer to "Procedures"
- Pressing on, refer to "Procedures"
18. Circlip
- Re-determine thickness when replacing 5th gear
- Observe installation position and table: refer to "Procedures", see item 5
- Determining thickness, refer to "Procedures"
19. Needle bearing for input shaft
- Always replace (damaged during removal)
- Removing, refer to "Procedures"
- Knock in with drift VW 295, VW 295a and tube section VW 416b
- Note installation position, refer to "Procedures"
20. Plastic sleeve
- Always replace
21. Transmission cover
Note: Circlips of various sizes and thicknesses determine the precise installed positions of various components. As they are used, individual circlips must be marked (mark with numbers as shown in "Position of Circlips" shown below). Required thickness of individual circlips must be re-determined whenever a directly affected component is replaced.