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Subframe Bushings, Replacing

Subframe Bushings, Replacing

Removing bonded rubber mounts
- Saw or cut off rubber bead on subframe up to outer mounting bushing.

Note: If the paint on the surface of the subframe is damaged, carry out corrosion protection measures.

Pulling out rear bonded rubber mounts
- Make sure that 3372 installation device is properly positioned and cannot tilt.

Pulling out bonded rubber mounts
All of the bonded rubber subframe mounts are pulled out using the same tool.

Assembly preparations for pulling in subframe bonded rubber mounts
- Install installation device and insert 3372/2 thrust pieces.

Aligning bonded rubber mounts
- Bonded rubber mounts must be aligned using a long rectangular tube or a straight-edge.
Angle -A-: 90° + 5°

Note: Always use protective jaws when clamping the subframe in a vise.

Pulling in rear bonded rubber mounts
- Use G 294 421 A1 lubricating oil when pulling in bonded rubber mounts.
- Pull in mount-A- until 3372/1 thrust piece aligns with upper edge of 3372 installation device.
- Remove 3372 installation device and 3372/2 thrust pieces upward.

Pulling in rear bonded rubber mounts
- Install 3372/2 thrust pieces between 3351/4 bridge and subframe.
- Pull bonded rubber mount in up to stop.

Note: If the paint on the surface of the subframe is damaged, carry out corrosion protection measures.

Pulling in front bonded rubber mount
- Use G 294 421 A1 lubricating oil when pulling in bonded rubber mounts.
- Install 3372/2 thrust pieces into 3372 installation device.
- Pull in bushing -A- until 3372/1 press tool is flush with upper edge of 3372 installation device.

Pulling in front bonded rubber mounts
- Lift 3372 installation device and remove 3372/2 thrust pieces.
- Repiace3351/4 bridge with 3351/1 thrust piece and then pull bonded rubber mount in up to stop.

Note: If the paint on the surface of the subframe is damaged, carry out corrosion protection measures.