Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Reading and Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Connecting VAG1551 Scan Tool (ST) VAG1551 Scan Tool, Connecting

- Switch ignition on.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Insert address word XX

NOTE: DTC memory can only be erased after the checking sequence has been completed.

Check DTC Memory (scan tool function 02)
Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press buttons -0- and -2- to select "Check DTC Memory" function 02.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer Q
02 - Check DTC Memory

- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Indicated on display (number of stored DTCs, or "No DTC recognized")

X DTC recognized -->

- If the printer is switched on, all stored DTCs will be indicated and printed in sequence.
- If the printer is switched off, press the -> button to display the next DTC.

Diagnostic trouble codes stored in DTC memory are displayed and printed one after another See DTC table.

After the last DTC has been displayed:

- Press -> button.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- If there is a complaint, but no malfunctions are recognized by the OBD, continue troubleshooting. Power Convertible Top Sequence Test

- Repair and eliminate malfunctions per DTC table.
- Check and erase DTC memory.

Erase DTC Memory (scan tool function 05)
Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press buttons -0- and -5- to select "Erase DTC Memory" function 05.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer Q
O5 - Erase DTC Memory

- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Indicated on display

DTC Memory is not interrogated

- DTC memory can be erased only after it has been checked.
- If, for example, the ignition is switched off or the vehicle is driven at more than 20 km/h (12 mph) between checking and erasing DTC memory, it cannot be erased.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer ->
DTC Memory is erased

- Press -> button.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

After DTC memory has been erased:
- Repair and eliminate malfunctions per DTC table.
- Check and erase DTC memory again.

This erases malfunctions that may have been inadvertently stored during repair, for example by disconnecting harness connectors.
- Fully open and close top to ensure proper operation.
- Recheck DTC memory (address word 26) once again to ensure no malfunctions (DTCs) are stored.

End Output (scan tool function 06)
- Press buttons -0- and -6- to select "End Output" function 06.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer Q
06 - End Output

- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Insert address word XX

NOTE: An automatic test sequence (a check of DTC memory for all systems with OBD capability) is carried out by selecting address word 00 and pressing the -Q- button to confirm.