Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Safety Precautions

Be sure the ignition is switched OFF, when:
- Disconnecting ignition wires
- Disconnecting fuel injection system wiring
- Connecting or disconnecting test equipment leads
- Disconnecting the battery
- Washing the engine or engine compartment
Before disconnecting the battery:
- Stop the engine.
- Be sure the ignition is switched OFF (also applies when connecting the battery). Failure to do so may damage the Engine Control Module (ECM).
- Determine the correct coding for the anti-theft radio.

Whenever carrying out work on the fuel supply and fuel injection systems, carefully observe the following five rules of cleanliness
1. Thoroughly clean fuel system line and hose connections and the surrounding area before disconnecting.
2. Place removed components on a clean surface and cover. Use plastic sheeting or paper. Do not use fluffy rags that could leave lint!
3. Carefully cover over or seal any components that have been opened if repairs are not carried out immediately.
4. Install only clean parts:
Do not remove replacement parts from the packaging until immediately before they are to be installed.
Do not use parts that have been stored without packaging (e.g. in toolboxes, etc.).
5. When the fuel system is opened:
Avoid working with compressed air whenever possible.
Avoid moving the vehicle if possible.

When timing belt is removed, DO NOT turn the camshaft while any piston is at TDC position. There is risk of damage to valves and piston crowns.

After installing the camshafts, the engine must not be started for approx. 30 minutes. The hydraulic valve lifters have to settle, otherwise valves will strike the pistons.

After installing the valve train and lifters, carefully rotate the crankshaft by hand at least 2 full revolutions before starting to be sure that valves do not strike the pistons.