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Checking Resistance

- Disconnect harness connector at the TPS.

Throttle Position Switch/Sensor Terminals:

- Connect multimeter (Fluke 83 or equivalent) to terminals 1 and 2.

Specified Value: 1500-2600 ohms

- Connect multimeter to terminals 2 and 3.

Specified Value (closed throttle): approx. 750-1300 ohms.

- Slowly move throttle from closed throttle position to wide open throttle position.

Resistance must increase gradually to max. 3600 Ohms.

If either specification is not achieved:
- Replace TPS.
- Check and erase Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory.

NOTE: For functional testing of the Throttle Position Sensor (TPS), also see On-Board Diagnostics, "Read Measuring Value Block" function 08, display group 002, Testing and Inspection.