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Display Groups 005 & 006

Display group 005

Display group 006

Test table display group 005 and/or display group 006

- Positive learning value (+ %): Mixture too lean, more fuel must be injected. (Programmed basic fuel injection time too short, actual fuel injection time - % longer, so that Lambda = 1 is obtained).
- Negative learning value (- %): Mixture too rich, less fuel must be injected. (Programmed basic fuel injection time too long, actual fuel injection time - % shorter so that Lambda = 1 is achieved).

Notes on display groups 005 and 006: If there are differences in oxygen sensor learning values (display group 010, display fields land 2) of more than 8% between display group 005 (bank 1) and display group 006 (bank 2), the following malfunctions are possible:

- Spark plugs faulty
- Fuel injectors faulty (leaking, plugged)
- Intake air leak on one side
- Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) faulty, dirty
- Mechanical engine basic settings (valve/camshaft timing) not OK

If a difference of 9% is reached between the richest and leanest oxygen sensor learning value of one display group, further learning will be discontinued in the two affected learning ranges (display group 007 and/or 008). Learning requirements display (display groups 007 and/or 008) of these learning ranges cannot be 1.

If there is no power to the ECM, all values are set back to 0.0%.