Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Ignition Lock: Service and Repair

Steering Lock Housing and Lock Cylinder, Replacement


WARNING! Airbags and related equipment (e.g. steering wheel, steering column) must be disassembled, assembled and repaired only by trained Audi Service Department personnel.

Note: The steering column and tube must be removed to remove the steering lock housing and lock cylinder

- Where applicable, disconnect airbag power supply connector.
- Remove airbag.
- Remove steering wheel and steering column switches.

- Remove instrument cluster mounting screws (arrows).
- Place clean, soft towel or equivalent over exposed portion of steering column.
- Carefully tip back instrument cluster; be careful not to scratch face plate.
- Unlock and disconnect instrument cluster harness connectors from behind.
- Remove instrument cluster.
- Disconnect connector from ignition switch.
- Using a small flat blade screwdriver, carefully remove protective cap for steering lock housing.

- Remove steering lock housing mounting screw (Torx(R) T-30) (arrow) from steering column tube.
Tightening torque: 7 Nm (62 in. lb.)

Remove Torx(R) screw only when replacing the steering lock housing.
For vehicles with automatic transmission, unhook additional lock on steering lock housing.

If it has not been done already:
- Where applicable, disconnect airbag voltage supply connector.
- Remove knee bar.

- Remove nuts (arrows) connecting steering column to steering universal joint (U-joint).
- Using a screwdriver, pry up steering column approx. 15 mm (9/16 in.) and disconnect from U-joint.

- Remove steering column tube retaining nuts (arrows).
- Remove steering column tube bolts.
- Push steering column assembly forward and down and turn until it can be removed from instrument panel.

CAUTION! DO NOT drill into housing too deep or lock cylinder will be damaged.

Note: To make the job easier, place the steering column assembly and/or steering lock housing in a vise.

- Drill one 3 mm hole approx. 1.5 mm (1/16 in.) deep in steering lock housing at location shown.
- 18 mm (0.71 in.) arc from rib on housing
- 12 mm (0.50 in.) from front edge of cylindrical housing

- Using a punch or similar tool, press down retaining spring through hole (upper arrow), and pull lock cylinder out from housing (lower arrow).

Note: If necessary, remove ignition/starter switch so ends of lock cylinder can be pushed together


- Place lock cylinder in "ignition off" position and slide into housing in direction shown (arrows) until retaining spring locks in place.
- If steering lock housing was removed from column tube, install lock housing (Torx(R) T-30 screw) and tighten.
Tightening torque: 7 Nm (62 in. lb.)
- Reinstall ignition/starter switch on lock housing if previously removed.
- Install protective cap over steering lock housing.
- Install steering column assembly from below into instrument panel opening.
- Install steering column tube bolts and nuts, but do not tighten.
- Insert ignition key into ignition lock.
- Switch ignition on, so that steering column can turn freely.
- Using pliers, squeeze steering column and U-joint together.

- Install nuts connecting steering column to U-joint and tighten.
- Align steering column tube by sliding up or down so that the steering column does not bind when turning steering wheel.

- Tighten steering column tube nuts (arrows).
- Install ignition/starter switch connector.

CAUTION! If alignment as described above is not possible, loosen steering gear at mount and move until wiring harness has slack

Note: If steering column and tube have been separated from each other, install spring first, then install lock washers on steering column.

The remaining installation is the reverse order of removal.