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Adaptation (Function 10)


- Connect VAG 1551 Scan Tool (ST).
- Switch on ignition.

Implementing function "10 - Adaptation"

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press keys 1 and 0 to select "Adaptation" function.
- Confirm entry with Q key.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer Q
10- Adaptation

- Confirm entry with Q key.

Indicated on display:

Enter channel number XX

- Enter desired adaptation channel.
- Confirm entry with Q key.

NOTE: After changing adaptation value/following termination of an adaptation channel, function "10 - Adaptation" must be implemented again to select a different adaptation channel.

Matching of remote control keys by way of adaptation function
- Switch on ignition.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press keys 1 and 0 to select "Adaptation" function.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer Q
10 - Adaptation

- Confirm entry with Q key.

Indicated on display:

Enter channel number XX

- Press keys 2 and 1 (to select "Channel 21".

- Wrong entries can be corrected by pressing C key.

- Confirm entry with Q key.

Indicated on display:

Channel 21 Adaptation 0 ->
Key Setting <-1 3->

Top line shows selected channel and memory position for key to be matched. Select desired memory position of key to be matched with keys 1 and 3 (or on V.A.G 1552 with keys (Down arrow) and (Up arrow)).

- Third memory position is selected in example.

Indicated on display:

Channel 21 Adaptation 3 ->
Key Setting <-1 3->

- Press remote control opening/closing button.

Indicated on display:

Channel 21 Adaptation 3 Q
Key Recognized

Display "Setting" switches to "Recognized" following recognition of remote control command.

- Confirm entry with Q key.

Indicated on display:

Channel 21 Adaptation 3 Q
Store altered value?

- Confirm entry with Q key.

Indicated on display:

Channel 21 Adaptation 3 ->
Altered value stored

- Press key.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press keys 0 and 6 to select "End Output" function.
- Switch off ignition and remove ignition key.
- Check function of newly matched remote control key.

- Successful adaptation can be established by way of Read Measuring Value Block function (function 08), display group number 007.
- Care is to be taken to ensure that new keys are always matched to vacant memory positions. If use is made of a memory position already occupied, the matched remote control key already allocated to this memory position will no longer function.
- A maximum of four keys can be matched.