Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Seat Cushion Extension

Seat Cushion Extension, Removing And Installing

1 - Seat cushion extension
- Move seat fully up.
- Remove seat.
- Using pliers or a screwdriver push both springs -2- inward (arrow).
- Remove seat surface extension -1-.
- If necessary, disconnect seat heater wiring on both sides.
- Pull front cover -3- up and pull cable through.
2 - Springs (2x)
3 - Front cover
- If necessary (e.g. when removing seat cushion), remove cover completely).
- Insert seat heater harness connectors through holes on both sides of cover -3- and connect connectors.
- Attach cover.
4 - Guide sleeves (2x)
- If necessary (e.g. when removing seat cushion), push guide sleeves -4- together with groove- lock pliers and pull guide sleeves out.

Install in reverse order of removal

NOTE: Replace guide sleeves when installing.