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Fuel Pump (FP) and Sender For Fuel Gauge - Component Overview

Fuel Pump Module With Sender For Fuel Gauge, Component Overview - All Engines

WARNING: Fire hazard. When working on the fuel system DO NOT smoke, work near heaters or have anything in the area that can ignite the fuel or fumes.

Part I

1 Fuel supply line
- From distributor connector to pump in lower accumulator unit
- Is part of accumulator
- Not available as replacement part
- Install at distributor connector item 3
2 Accumulator
- Houses pump
- Located on right side of tank
3 Distributor connector
- Located on right side of tank
- Secured with 3 tabs in accumulator
- To remove, push toward left to release tabs and pry to top
- When installing, attach fuel line to accumulator
- Different versions
4 Wiring harness (inside fuel tank)
- From sender for fuel gauge -G- to fuel level sensor 2
- Secured with 2 tie-wraps (item -6-) to suction pump lines
5 Sender for fuel gauge -G-
- Located on right side of tank
- With tabs installed to accumulator
- Checking resistance
6 Cable tie
- Fuel resistant
7 Closing ring
- Remove and install using 3087 wrench
- 145 Nm (106 ft lb)
8 Seal
- Always replace
- Install dry into fuel tank opening
9 Fuel level sensor 2 -G169-
- Located on right side of tank
- Checking resistance
- Before removing drain fuel tank
10 Suction jet pump
- With fuel lines
- Attached to fuel level sensor 2
- Different versions