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Cell Phone - Telematics V60 Digital Phone Diagnostics

Telematics/V60 Digital Phone Diagnostics Guideline

91 06 30 Nov. 9, 2006, 2010368/4. Supersedes technical service bulletin Group 91 number 04-02 dated March 11, 2004 due to updated content.

The procedures outlined below will allow for complete integrated Telematics and V60 digital phone diagnosis.

Technical Background
Not applicable.

Production Solution
Not applicable.


Preliminary Diagnosis
Telematics/V60 phone diagnostics must be followed completely in the sequence outlined in this technical service bulletin.

- Connect VAS 5051/5052 diagnostic tool.
- Switch ignition on.
- Check DTC memory of all applicable control modules (Vehicle systems: 07, 16, 17, 56, and 75).
- Check coding of all applicable control modules (Vehicle systems: 07, 16, 17, 56, and 75).

Tip: A4 -J526-Telephone/Telematics control module (Vehicle system: 75) coding must start with a 5.

Tip: A6/ A8 equipped with steering wheel radio/phone buttons, -J453-. Control module for multi-function steering wheel (Vehicle system: 16) coding must always end in a 5.

Dash Panel Insert (Vehicle system: 17) Diagnosis
- Select Vehicle Self-Diagnosis >> 17 - Dash panel insert >> 012 -Adaptation >> Channel 62 >> Q to confirm.

Channel 62 value is used for adapting optional systems that communicate with the instrument cluster via the CAN bus. These systems include:

- Radio = 1
- Telephone = 2
- Navigation = 4

Each system has an assigned number, and the numbers for the equipped systems are added together for Channel 62 value. For example: For a vehicle equipped with radio and telephone, Channel 62 = 3.

- If Channel 62 value is incorrect, use keyboard buttons to enter the correct number. Select Select diagnosis function >> 011 -Measured values >> Display Group 140 >> Q to confirm. Display group 140 should have a value of " 1" for each installed system.
- If Display Group 140 values are incorrect, the instrument cluster is not communicating with the radio, telephone and/or navigation systems. Further diagnosis should be performed.

Telematics (Vehicle system: 75) Diagnosis
- Return to the Select diagnosis function screen using the backward arrow on the navigation bar. Select 75 - Telematics >> 011 - Measured values >> Display group 125 >> Q to confirm.

- Display Group 125 should have a value of " 1" for each installed system.
- If Display Group 125 values are incorrect, the telematics control module is not communicating with the radio, telephone and/or navigation systems and further diagnosis should be performed.

- Select Display Group 126. Display Group 126 should be Data Bus/ Bus OK. If not, further diagnosis should be performed.

Disabling Transport Mode

Tip: Transport mode should be off in a customer-sold vehicle.

- Return to Select diagnosis function screen. Select 012 Adaptation >> Channel 3 >> Q to confirm.
- Channel 3 value should be 0. If Channel 3 value is not 0, perform re-adaptation. Select backward arrow >> Channel 8 >> Q to confirm.
- Channel 8 should be 0. If Channel 8 is not 0, perform re-adaptation.

Steering Wheel Electronics Diagnosis (A4, S4, Cabriolet) (Vehicle system: 16)
- Return to Select vehicle system screen using backward arrow on navigation bar. To check steering wheel button operation, select 16 -Steering wheel electronics >> 011 -Measured values >> Display Group 7 >> Q to confirm.

- In Display Group 7, the value in the first field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the scroll up button.
- In Display Group 7, the value in the second field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the volume up button.
- In Display Group 7, the value in the fourth field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the volume down button.
- Select Display Group 8
- In Display Group 8, the value in the first field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the radio/telephone button.
- In Display Group 8, the value in the second field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the push-to-talk button.

If results are not obtained, further diagnosis should be performed.

Steering Wheel Electronics Diagnosis (A6, S6, A8, allroad) (Vehicle system: 16)
- Return to Select vehicle system screen. Select 16 - Steering wheel electronics >> 011 - Measured values >> Display Group 1 >> Q to confirm.

- In Display Group 1, the value in the first field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the scroll up button.
- In Display Group 1, the value in the second field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the volume up button.
- In Display Group 1, the value in the third field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the scroll down button.
- In Display Group 1, the value in the fourth field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the volume down button.

- Select Display Group 2.

- In Display Group 2, the value in the first field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the radio/telephone button.
- In Display Group 2, the value in the second field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the push-to-talk button.

If results are not obtained, further diagnosis should be performed.

Radio (Vehicle system: 56) and Telematics (Vehicle system: 75) Final Control Diagnosis
- Return to Select vehicle system screen. Select 56 - Radio or 75 -Telematics >> 005 - Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM).
- Perform Final Control Diagnosis on second vehicle system.

Tip: For Telematics (Vehicle system: 75), the loudspeaker must pulse.

If loudspeaker does not pulse and the radio is functioning OK, the problem may be with the radio coding. Recheck radio coding and then recheck for radio DTCs.

If Final Control tests fail, further diagnosis should be performed.

Navigation (Vehicle system: 37) Diagnosis
- Return to Select vehicle system screen. Select 37 - Navigation >> 011 -Measured values >> Display Group 3 >> Q to confirm.
- Display Group 3 should have a value of OK. If Display Group 3 value is incorrect, further diagnosis should be performed.
- Select Display Group 5. Display Group 5 should have a value of OK. If Display Group 5 value is incorrect, further diagnosis should be performed.

- Take the vehicle outside to an area with an unobstructed view of the sky. Return to Select vehicle system screen.
- Select 75 - Telematics >> 011 - Measured values >> Display Group 2 >> Q to confirm.
- The system must see four or more satellites. Maneuver the front of the car in a direction close to north, south, east or west (your choice).
- Select Display Group 28 >> Q to confirm. Depending on vehicle direction, one of the following values should be displayed: 00 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, or 270 = West.

Tip: The value can fluctuate 20 degrees. A reading of 350 degrees could go to 10 and be normal.

If readings are incorrect, check antenna and coax cable for the Telematic control module.

OnStar Diagnosis

Tip: When checking operation of the three buttons while in measuring value blocks, the system will not call OnStar.

- Return to Select vehicle system screen. Select 75 - Telematics >> 011 - Measured values >> Display Group 4 >> Q to confirm.

- In Display Group 4, the value in the fourth field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the white dot OnStar button.
- In Display Group 4, the value in the second field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the red emergency OnStar button.

- Select Display Group 3.

- In Display Group 3, the value in the fourth field will change from not operated to operated when pressing the blue OnStar button.

- If display group values are not correct, further diagnosis should be performed.

- Return to Select vehicle system screen.
- Press the blue OnStar button to connect with an OnStar Advisor.
- Inform the OnStar Advisor that you are an Audi Technician working on the OnStar system.
- Verify the OnStar Advisor can correctly locate the vehicle.
- Thank the OnStar Advisor and end call by pushing the white OnStar button. If the test fails, further diagnosis should be performed.

Audi V60 Digital Phone Diagnosis
- Verify the phone is an Audi V60.
- Open the flip cover. Audi rings on the faceplate should be visible.
- Make sure rubber antenna plug on back of V60 phone is removed. This allows for vehicle antenna connection when the V60 is docked in the cradle.
- Place a call with the V60 outside the vehicle. If the call cannot be completed, contact Motorola Technical Support Hotline at (877) 668-2834.
- Return to Select vehicle system screen. Select 75 - Telematics >> 011 -Measured values >> Display Group 3 >> Q to confirm.
- With phone out of the cradle, the value in the second field will be not connected. With phone docked in the cradle, the value in the second field will be connected.
- Wiggle phone in cradle, and wiggle cradle. The value in the second field should remain connected. If the second field does not remain connected:

- Inspect cradle connector for damage.
- Clean the phone and cradle contacts with a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol.
- Retest V60 phone.

- If the second value does not remain connected, test new cradle.
- If the second value still does not remain connected, check the wiring harness from the cradle to the Telematics control module.

- Plug phone into another vehicle to see if it has the same problem, indicating the problem is with the phone itself.
- Certain V60 digital phone service features (call waiting, call forwarding, etc.) are not available when phone is docked in cradle.
- When testing the phone on an outbound or inbound call, you must end the call with the white button in the OnStar switch assembly or on the lower right button on the steering wheel, as you would hang up your phone at home. Failure to do this will result in the inability to receive an inbound call.
- When making or receiving calls with the V60 docked in the cradle, the green OnStar light should be solid.If the green light is blinking, the call is being routed through OnStar, which is using OnStar personal calling minutes.

This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.

Additional Information
For system overview and operations, please refer to the following pamphlets/ booklets:
- SSP 993203 Audi Telematics by OnStar
- .Audi Telematics by OnStar
- Operating Instructions (Literature No.221.562.652.21).
- Quick Reference Guide Audi Telematics by OnStar
- (Literature No. 221.562.655.21).
- *Audi V60 Digital Phone Users Guide (Literature No. W53 123 3010).*
- Selling Audi Communication System Brand Specialists Pocket Guide (Literature No. W42 552 503 74 062003).*

The following repair procedure(s) will be necessary to complete this procedure:
- Dash panel insert (Vehicle system: 17)
- Telematics (Vehicle system: 75)
- Steering wheel electronics (Vehicle system: 16)
- Radio (Vehicle system: 56)
- Navigation (Vehicle system: 37)

All part and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Dept. and service manuals for the latest information.