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A/C Unit, Disassembling and Assembling

A/C Unit, Disassembling And Assembling

- Remove components from air conditioner unit.
- Remove heating elements and air ducts from air conditioning unit

1 - Bolt
2 - Intake housing

- Do not disassemble further
- With recirculated air flap and two back pressure/fresh air flaps.
3 - Bracket
- For refrigerant lines of evaporator
4 - Air duct
- Constructed of upper and lower part.
5 - Evaporator
- Check insulation of refrigerant lines, must be completely installed.
- Evaporator seal installing
6 - Sealing gasket for evaporator
- Evaporator seal installing
7 - Air distribution housing
- Do not disassemble
- With temperature flaps and air distribution flaps
- The coupling elements of temperature flaps 1 to temperature flaps 2, that are installed in the air distribution housing are visible when air distributor housing is removed.
8 - Footwell vents front