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4.2L BNS

Engine Management System

4.2L BNS

Right Side of the Engine Compartment

1 - Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Motor -V101- => [ Secondary Air Injection System Assembly Overview ] Locations

2 - Intake Air Switch-Over valve -N335-

3 - Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor 3 -G300- => [ Locations Outside on Right Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

4 - Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor -G42- /Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor -G70-

5 - Camshaft Adjustment Valve 1 (exhaust) -N318- => [ Locations Outside on Right Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

6 - Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) -G39- => [ 4.2L BNS Exhaust System ] Locations

7 - Oxygen Sensor (O2S) Behind Three Way Catalytic Converter (TWC) -G130- => [ 4.2L BNS Exhaust System ] Locations

8 - Camshaft Adjustment Valve 1 -N205- => [ Locations Inside on Right Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

9 - Engine Control Module (ECM) 2 -J624- => [ Engine Control Module (ECM) 2 ] See Image Below.
Located under the plenum chamber cover

10 - Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor -G62- => [ Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor ] See Image Below.
Located right on the rear coolant pipe

11 - Throttle valve control module -J338- => [ Throttle Valve Control Module ] See Image Below.
Located rear right on the intake manifold

12 - Knock Sensor 2 -G66- => [ Locations Inside on Right Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

13 - -Fuel Injectors, Cylinder Bank 1 -N30-, -N31-, -N32_ and -N33-- => [ Locations Inside on Right Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.
Fuel injectors Cylinder bank 2 -N83-, -N84-, -N85- and -N86- location

14 - Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) Valve -N316- => [ Locations Engine Compartment ] See Image Below.

15 - Fuel Pressure Sensor -G247- => [ Locations Inside on Right Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

16 - Intake Manifold Runner Position Sensor -G336- => [ Locations Engine Compartment ] See Image Below.

17 - Knock Sensor 1 -G61- => [ Locations Inside on Right Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

18 - Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor -G40- => [ Locations Inside on Right Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

19 - High Pressure Pump with Fuel Metering Valve -N290-

20 - -Ignition Coils Cylinder Bank 1 -N70-, -N127-, -N291- and -N292-- => [ Locations Outside on Right Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.
Ignition coils Cylinder bank 2 -N323-, -N324-, -N325- and -N326- location

Left Side of the Engine Compartment

1 - Low Fuel Pressure Sensor -G410-

2 - Intake Manifold Runner Position Sensor 2 -G512- => [ Intake Manifold Runner Position Sensor 2 ] See Image Below.

3 - Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Regulator Valve 1 -N80- => [ EVAP Canister Purge Regulator Valve ] See Image Below.

4 - Brake Booster Pressure Sensor -G294-

5 - Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor -G28- => [ Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor ] See Image Below.

6 - Camshaft Adjustment Valve 2 -N208- => [ Locations Inside on Left Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

7 - Fuel Metering Valve 2 -N402- => [ Fuel Metering Valve 2 ] See Image Below.

8 - Oxygen sensor 2 after catalytic converter -G131- => [ 4.2L BNS Exhaust System ] Locations

9 - Engine Malfunction Lamp

10 - Throttle Position (TP) Sensor -G79- /Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 -G185- => [ Accelerator Pedal Module ] Locations

11 - Brake Light Switch -F- and Brake pedal switch -F47-
Located on the pedal bracket

12 - Clutch Pedal Starter Interlock Switch -F194- => [ Clutch Pedal Starter Interlock Switch ] See Image Below.and Clutch pedal switch -F36-
Clutch pedal switch is located on the pedal bracket with the brake light switch

13 - E-Box Plenum Chamber
With Engine Control Module (ECM) -J623- => [ Engine Control Module (ECM) ] See Image Below.

14 - Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) 2 -G108- => [ 4.2L BNS Exhaust System ] Locations

15 - Camshaft Adjustment Valve 2 (exhaust) -N319- => [ Locations Outside on Left Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

16 - Brake System Vacuum Pump -V192-

17 - After-run coolant pump -V51- => [ Cooling Fans and Cooling Pump ] Locations

Left Side of the Engine Compartment continued

18 - Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor 4 -G301- => [ Locations Outside on Left Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

19 - -Ignition coils Cylinder bank 2 -N323-, -N324-, -N325- and -N326-- => [ Locations Outside on Left Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

20 - Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor 2 -G163- => [ Locations Inside on Left Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

21 - Knock Sensor 4 -G199- => [ Locations Inside on Left Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

22 - Knock Sensor 3 -G198-

23 - Fuel injectors Cylinder bank 2 -N83-, -N84-, -N85- and -N86- => [ Locations Inside on Left Cylinder Head ] See Image Below.

24 - Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Solenoid Valve -N112- => [ 4.2L BNS Exhaust System ] Locations

Locations Outside on Right Cylinder

1 - Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor 3 -G300-
2 - Camshaft Adjustment Valve 1 (exhaust) -N318-
3 - Ignition Coil 4 with Power Output Stage -N292-
4 - Ignition Coil 3 with Power Output Stage -N291-
5 - Ignition Coil 2 with Power Output Stage -N127-
6 - Ignition Coil 1 with Power Output Stage -N70-

Locations Inside on Right Cylinder

1 - Fuel Pressure Sensor -G247-
2 - Knock Sensor 1 -G61-
3 - Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor -G40-
4 - Cylinder 1 Fuel Injector -N30-
5 - Cylinder 2 Fuel Injector -N31-
6 - Cylinder 3 Fuel Injector -N32-
7 - Cylinder 4 Fuel Injector -N33-
8 - Camshaft Adjustment Valve 1 -N205-
9 - Knock Sensor 2 -G66-

Clutch Pedal Starter Interlock

2 - Clutch Pedal Starter Interlock Switch -F194-

Engine Control Module (ECM) 2

- - Engine Control Module (ECM) 2 -J624-

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)

1 - Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor -G62-
2 - Retaining clip

Throttle Valve Control Module

- - Throttle valve control module -J338-

Locations Engine Compartment

1 - Intake Manifold Runner Position Sensor -G336-
2 - Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) Valve -N316-
3 - Brown connector for Knock Sensor 4 -G199-
4 - Black connector for Knock Sensor 3 -G198-
5 - Brown connector for Knock Sensor 2 -G66-
6 - Black connector for Knock Sensor 1 -G61-

Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor

- - Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor -G28-
- Located left on the clutch housing

Locations Inside on Left Cylinder

1 - Knock Sensor 4 -G199-
2 - Camshaft Adjustment Valve 2 -N208-
3 - Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor 2 -G163-
4 - Cylinder 8 Fuel Injector -N86-
5 - Cylinder 7 Fuel Injector -N85-
6 - Cylinder 6 Fuel Injector -N84-
7 - Cylinder 5 Fuel Injector -N83-
8 - Knock Sensor 3 -G198-

Fuel Metering Valve 2

Arrow - Fuel Metering Valve 2 -N402-

Intake Manifold Runner Position
Sensor 2

1 - Intake Manifold Runner Position Sensor 2 -G512-

EVAP Canister Purge Regulator Valve

2 - Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Regulator Valve 1 -N80- connector

Engine Control Module (ECM)

- - Engine Control Module (ECM) -J623-
- Located under the E-box in plenum chamber

Locations Outside on Left Cylinder

1 - Ignition Coil 5 with Power Output Stage -N323-
2 - Ignition Coil 6 with Power Output Stage -N324-
3 - Ignition Coil 7 with Power Output Stage -N325-
4 - Ignition Coil 8 with Power Output Stage -N326-
5 - Camshaft Adjustment Valve 2 (exhaust) -N319-
6 - Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor 4 -G301-

EVAP Canister/Leak Detection System

2 - Purge line
- To Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Regulator Valve -N80-
4 - EVAP canister
- Located at the bottom of spare wheel well
9 - Leak Detection Pump (LDP) -V144-
- Located in left rear wheel housing behind wheel housing liner