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Read Measuring Value Block (Scan Tool Function 08)

- A/C control heads -E87- with part numbers without index letter have 10 measuring value blocks (display groups), each showing 4measuring values (display fields).
- A/C control heads -E87- with part numbers including index letter "A", and onward have 11 measuring value blocks (display groups), each showing 4measuring values (display fields).
- Regulation of the air conditioning remains functional during the On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Read Measuring Value Block" function 08 and the current measured values are displayed.
- Display groups 2 through 5 show the current actual or specified values and the learned values (stored during the last basic setting) for the end stops of the individual positioning motors.
- The positions of the positioning motors and flaps can be changed during the OBD using the control buttons on the A/C control head -E87-, and the current actual and specified values are displayed on the VAG 1551 Scan Tool (ST).
- If the printer is switched on, the current display will be printed out.

Initiating "Read Measuring Value Block" function 08
- Start engine.
- Set A/C control head -E87- to AUTO mode (compressor is switched on).
- Allow fresh-air blower to run at high speed for approx. 1 minute (to allow positioning motors to settle into their final positions).
- Connect VAG 1551 Scan Tool (ST) Scan Tool Connecting and Initial Checks .
- Press buttons -0- and -8- to insert "AC/Heating Electronics" address word 08 and advance program until "Select function XX" appears on display Scan Tool Connecting and Initial Checks .

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press buttons -0- and -8- to select "Read Measuring Value Block" function 08.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer Q
08 - Read Measuring Value Block

- Press -Q-button to confirm input.

Indicated on display

Read Measuring Value Block
Input display group number XXX

- Input display group number. See "Overview of display group numbers which can be selected" table given below.
- Press -Q-button to confirm input.

Indicated on display

Read Measuring Value Block X ->
1 2 3 4

To select another display group:
- Press -C-button.

Indicated on display

Read Measuring Value Block
Input display group number XXX

- Input display group number.

- Pressing the -3- button advances the program to the next display group.
- Pressing the -1- button moves the program back by one display group.

If all the display fields show the specified values:
- Press -> button.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

Overview of display group numbers which can be selected

Display Group 001 - 006:

Display Group 007 - 008:

Display Group 009 - 011: