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Air Flow Flap Motor -V71-, Removing and Installing

Air Flow Flap Motor -V71-, Removing And Installing

NOTE: -V71- operates the air flow flap and fresh/recirculated air flap.

- Remove glove box.

- Carefully detach actuating arm -A- (for air flow flap) with screwdriver.

- Remove bolt -A-.
- Disconnect electrical connection -C-.
- Rotate motor downwards in direction -arrow- and pull out of shaft for fresh/recirculated air flap -B-.

NOTE: Replacement motors are supplied set to "recirculated air" mode. To facilitate installation, first connect motor to vehicle electrical system and centralize actuating arm. This is done by switching on the ignition and pressing the "recirculated air" button on the A/C control head to change setting of motor. With the actuating arm centralized, the fresh/recirculated air flap does not touch the limit stops, and the motor can be installed more easily.

- First insert motor into shaft of fresh/recirculated air flap -B-. Then rotate in direction of -arrow-, making sure that lug -D- fits into slot -C-.

- After installing, always carry out On Board Diagnostic (OBD) on Climate control.
- Route electrical wiring harness so that it cannot come into contact with any moving parts like the actuating arm on the motor or other.