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Engine Speed Threshold, Adaptation

Engine Speed Threshold, Adaptation

This function permits influencing of the offset value for the engine speed threshold of the dynamic oil pressure warning function.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press buttons -1- and -0- and confirm input with Q button.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer Q
10 -Adaptation

- Press -Q- button to confirm input

Indicated on display:

Enter channel number XX

- Press buttons -3- and -5- to access "channel 35".
- Press -Q- button to confirm input
- Indicated on display: Display shows adaptation value, e.g. 0.

Channel 35 Adaptation 0 ->
< -1 3- >

- Adaptation value 0 corresponds to a factory set oil pressure warning if oil pressure drops below 1.2 bar at an engine speed of 1500 rpm.
- Adaptation can be performed in four increments (0-1000).
- Adaptation value "250" changes engine speed threshold to 1750 rpm.
- If value "0" has been altered on account of a customer complaint modified value must be entered in new instrument cluster.

- Press -> button.

- Indicated on display:

Channel 35 Adaptation 0
Enter adaptation value XXXXX

- Enter required adaptation value (e.g. 00250) via scan tool button pad, filling in the initial spaces with "O", e.g. 00250.

- Indicated on display (example only):

Channel 35 Adaptation 0 Q
Enter adaptation value 00250

- Press -Q- button to confirm input

- Indicated on display:

Channel 35 Adaptation 250 Q
< -1 3- >

- Press-Q- button to confirm input.

- Indicated on display:

Channel 35 Adaptation 250 Q
Store changed value?

- Press-Q- button to confirm input.

- Indicated on display:

Channel 35 Adaptation 250 ->
Changed value is stored

- Press -> button to terminate adaptation of engine speed threshold.