Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Display Group 003

Display Group 003:

Actuator for temperature flap left -V158-

Display Field 1 - 4:

- The A/C Control Head -E87- is programmed with tolerance ranges between 5 and 50 and between 200 and 250 for feedback values relating to the end stops of the actuator for temperature flap.
- If the basic setting determines a value greater or less than the permissible adaptation value, the malfunction "adaptation exceeded" is stored in the DTC memory and in measuring value block display field 3 and 4 shows a substitute value for this positioning motor (currently for the lower stop 25 or 30 or 220 or 225 for the upper stop).
- If the display values in display fields 3 or 4 are outside the permissible range See DTC table.
- If a malfunction has been detected on the integrated potentiometer on one or more positioning motors, activation for positioning motor temperature flap occurs via the vent temperature sensor measuring value. In case of malfunction A/C Control Module -E87- activates all other positioning motors through a stored emergency program (time activation).