Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

01V, 5 Speed A/T

DTC 18152 / P1744

1) If the selector lever in the Tiptronic gate is pressed toward rear (-) or on vehicles with Tiptronic sport steering wheel the minus (-) buttons on steering wheel are pressed, a manual shift-down can be performed (shift-back).

2) The Tiptronic Switch -F189- also functions as the switch for recognition, the up switch and the down switch. It is installed in the conductor strip in the symbol insert, this means that the symbol insert must be replaced if the Tiptronic Switch -F189- is faulty.

3) The Tiptronic Switch -F189- receives its tiptronic gate recognition information or tiptronic shift-up/shift-down information via the large magnet which is mounted on the lateral gate cover of the gate cover. If the switch has become detached, the gate cover must be replaced.

4) Pay attention to which hydraulic control the transmission has when selecting measuring value block. For a more detailed description; Refer to "Read measuring value block".

For malfunction recognition for DTC 18147 / P1739:

^ A malfunction is displayed if a shift of the back-switch 1) outside the selector lever position D was detected.

^ This malfunction can only be indicated for vehicles with tiptronic shift operation.