Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Safety Instructions

Safety Instructions

Removing components

The vehicle must be secured on the hoist before its center of gravity changes due to disassembly.

Battery, welding procedures

NOTE: Before disconnecting battery ensure that radio code is available. Ensure radio is in an operational condition by inputting radio code before releasing vehicle to customer.

Before welding, you must disconnect both battery terminals and cover both
battery poles.

You must remove the vehicle battery before performing work near the battery that could produce sparks.

CAUTION: Switch off ignition before connecting battery!

On vehicles with electronic ignition lock, ignition must be switched off before removal.

There should not be any people inside the vehicle when connecting the battery!

Electronic control modules

Connect the ground (GND) connection of the electric welding appliance directly to the part to be welded. When doing this, make sure that no electrically insulated parts are between the ground (GND) connection and the welding point..

Do not allow the ground (GND) connection or the welding electrode to touch the electronic control units and electrical wiring.

Procedure for electronic control units after accident repairs

It is only necessary to install new electronic control units after an accident where at least one of the following conditions is present:

- The function check results in the message "Control module faulty".

If electronic components, e.g. ABS control modules, were removed for servicing and then reused, these are to be checked for function according to the available documentation after installing. To do this, check all DTC memories with a tester and correct any possible malfunctions present.

Paint, glass, upholstery, trim

No other vehicles may be parked unprotected in areas used for body repairs. (Fire hazard due to flying sparks, battery, damage to paintwork and glass).

Fuel tank or fuel lines

Use extreme care when performing sanding and welding work near the tank or other components carrying fuel. Where there are doubts regarding safety, these parts must be removed.

Air conditioning

No parts of the charged air conditioner system may be welded, brazed or soldered. This also applies to any part of the vehicle if there is a risk that the parts of the air conditioner system could heat up. After paint repairs, the vehicle must not be heated up to more than 80 degrees C in the drying booth or preliminary heating zone, because heat causes a pressure increase which can burst the system..

NOTE: The system must be evacuated when it is necessary to weld electrically near the refrigerant hoses. During the electrical welding process invisible ultraviolet rays are given off which penetrate the refrigerant hoses and decompose the refrigerant.


Evacuate air conditioning system: Only extract system if it is required by the safety precautions.

If it is necessary to evacuate the refrigerant when carrying out repairs to a vehicle, avoid all contact with liquid refrigerant or refrigerant vapor!

Wear rubber gloves to protect the hands and goggles to protect the eyes! If the refrigerant comes into contact with unprotected parts of the body it will cause frostbite..

CAUTION: It is advisable to have a rinsing bottle for the eyes handy at all times. If liquid refrigerant gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed thoroughly with water for about 15 minutes.

Then use eye drops and obtain medical attention immediately even if no pain is felt in the eyes. The doctor should be informed that the cause of the frostbite was R12 or R134a refrigerant.

If the refrigerant comes into contact with other parts of the body despite compliance with safety measures, the part of the body concerned must be rinsed immediately with cold water for at least 15 minutes.

Although refrigerant does not present a fire hazard, smoking is not permitted in rooms containing refrigerant vapors. The high temperature of a burning cigarette causes a chemical breakdown of the refrigerant vapor. The products of this breakdown are poisonous and cause violent coughing and sickness when inhaled.

Airbag system

The battery Ground (GND) strap must be disconnected when working on the airbag system or when performing straightening work when repairing the body.

CAUTION: Switch off ignition before connecting battery!

On vehicles with electronic ignition lock, ignition must be switched off before removal.

There should not be any people inside the vehicle when connecting the battery!

Airbag components must not even briefly be subjected to temperatures above 100 degrees C (212 degrees F).

Airbag components must not come into contact with grease, cleaning agent, oil or similar.

Mechanically damaged airbag components must be replaced.

Wash hands after touching deployed airbag units.

Seat belts, inspecting

CAUTION: After every accident, seat belt system must be checked systematically. If damage is determined when checking the test points, customer must be informed regarding necessity of changing belts..

Working on vehicles with belt tensioners

CAUTION: Before beginning separation work, straightening work or dent removal, remove mechanically activating belt tensioners without load detection (release lock). With electrically activating belt tensioners, the battery Ground (GND) strap must be disconnected.

NOTE: If the belt webbing is completely unrolled, the load detection (release lock) hinders the release of the mechanically activated belt tensioner in an accident.

CAUTION: With belt tensioners with load detection, the belt webbing must not be pulled out when performing separation work, straightening work or dent removal. If strong shaking motions are generated by separating work, straightening work or dent removal, the belt tensioners with load detection must be removed.

The following vehicles with no load detection on belt tensioners:

- Audi 100 sedan 1982
- Audi 200/V8 1983

Safety belts with belt tensioners, removing and installing.

Separating work, straightening work and/or dent removal on vehicles with airbags

The battery Ground (GND) strap must be disconnected when working on the airbag system or when performing straightening work when repairing the body.

CAUTION: Switch off ignition before connecting battery!

There should not be any people inside the vehicle when connecting the battery!

Seats with side airbags, removing

CAUTION: You must always follow safety precautions when removing seats.