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Hydraulic Pump For Traction Control V156, Activating

Hydraulic pump for traction control V156-, activating
Activation of the hydraulic pump for traction control -V156- (ESP) serves to bleed the hydraulic system

- Connect VAS 5051 vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system or VAG 1551 scan tool and select address word 03 for "Brake electronics"

Indicated on display
- Press buttons -0- and -4- to select function "Basic setting".

Indicated on display:
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Indicated on display:
- Press buttons -0-, -0- and -2-.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

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Note: Hydraulic pump for traction control -V156- (ESP) will be activated for 10 seconds.

- Press (arrow) button to end function.

Indicated on display