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Front Brakes ( Brembo 18"), Servicing

Front brakes, servicing

Special tools and equipment

^ V A G 1331 Torque wrench
^ V A G 1410 Torque wrench
^ V A G 1869/2 Brake pedal depressor

^ Always install complete repair kit.
^ After replacing brake pads and before moving vehicle, depress brake pedal several times firmly to properly seat brake pads in their normal operating position.
^ When siphoning brake Fluid, always use a bleeder bottle that is used exclusively for brake Fluid. Brake Fluid is poisonous. NEVER siphon brake Fluid with your mouth!

1. Brake disc
^ Internally ventilated brake disc diameter 365 mm
^ Brake disc thickness: 34 mm
^ Wear limit: 32 mm
^ Both sets of brake pads on front axle must always be replaced together
^ Remove brake caliper prior to removing

2. Brake pads
^ Installing damper bracket
^ Do not disconnect brake hose when changing brake discs
^ Removing:
- Remove brake pads -Item 11-.
- Install brake pedal depressor V.A.G 1 869/2
- Detach brake line -Item 6- from brake caliper
- Detach bracket -Item 4 -.
^ Installing:
- Install brake pads -Item 11-.
- Attach bracket -Item 4 -
- Attach brake line -Item 6- to brake caliper
- Remove brake pedal depressor V.A.G 1 869/2.
- Bleed brake system

3. Hex socket head bolt, tighten to 110 Nm
^ Always replace
4. Bracket
^ Bolt to brake caliper housing
5. Hex bolt, 25 Nm
6. Brake line, 15 Nm
^ Screw into brake caliper housing
^ Screw into brake hose, counter holding at hex on brake hose
^ Make sure tabs are properly seated in retainer grooves
7. Spring clip
8. Brake hose
^ Do not disconnect brake hose when changing brake discs

9. Retaining springs
10. Pad retaining pins
11. Brake pads
^ With wear indicator
^ Thickness 11.4 mm without backplate
^ Wear limit: 7 mm including backplate
^ With wear indicator
- The warning lamp in the instrument cluster comes on when wear limit is reached (limit: 2 to 3 mm)
^ Check thickness
^ Always replace both sides together