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Display Group 014

Display Group 014:

Coolant fan -V7- activation

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Note for display fields 1 and 2:
- The activation of Coolant fan -V7- varies. The activation occurs via the respective Engine Control Module (ECM) or via 2 outputs of the A/C Control Head -E87-, depending on compressor type or engine variant. Independent of coding the A/C Control Head -E87- sends the activation for the coolant fan via the CAN-bus system or via both outputs, however the activation process is then vehicle specific.

The following applies for vehicles with compressors using A/C Compressor Regulator Valve -N280- (coding of -E87-):
- The A/C Control Head -E87- sends the request to switch on the coolant fan, as long as no compressor cut-off condition exists (A/C Compressor Regulator Valve -N280-) which disables the compressor to be switched on (e.g. engine not running or operation mode "Econ" selected).
- The Coolant FC (Fan Control) Control Module -J293- regulates the coolant fan stepless. The activation of Coolant FC (Fan Control) Control Module -J293- occurs from the respective Engine Control Module (ECM). In order to activate the coolant fan the A/C Control Head -E87- activates the Engine Control Module (ECM) via the CAN-bus system.
- The ECM activates the Coolant FC (Fan Control) Control Module but only with engine running (and therefore the fan)
- The A/C Control Head -E87- sends the request to switch the fans on to the Engine Control Module. On vehicles with gas engines, the coolant fan is activated with 100% if the refrigerant circuit reaches a pressure of 26 bar.

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