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Lighting - Exterior Lighting Moisture Accumulation

Group: 94

Number: 05-04

Date: Apr. 25, 2005

Exterior Lights, Moisture Accumulation

All 1996 > 2006

Supersedes T.B. Group 94 Number 04-01, dated Jun. 11, 2004 due to added M.Y.


Condensation and/or water droplets visible on inside of exterior light lenses.


^ Exterior light assemblies (headlights, taillights, fog lights, turn signals) are vented and may collect moisture on their inner surfaces, depending on humidity and other climatic changes.

^ For headlights, the affected lens surface should be clear after approx. 10 minutes of light operation, although the entire surface may not clear.

Condensation does not affect performance of light assemblies.

In cases where larger water droplets have formed on the inside of the lens or significant amount of water has collected at the bottom of a light assembly.

- Check for leaking seals, cracks in lenses or assemblies.

DO NOT replace light or lens assemblies for this condition (unless damage is found).

If damage to seals or cracks to lenses or assemblies are found:

^ Follow normal repair procedures for this type of failure (provide a photograph, if possible, with repair documentation for verification).

^ If no damage is found, use compressed air (less than 30 PSI ) to blow out the lens.