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Engine - Oil Pressure Lamp On/Oil Pressure Below Spec.

17 Engine oil pressure is below specified value

17 10 06


June 2, 2010

Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 17 number 09-04 dated January 23, 2009 for reasons listed below.

Affected Vehicles


^ The oil pressure warning light is illuminated or illuminated intermittently.

^ The oil pressure might be below the specified values.

Technical Background

Not applicable.

Production Solution

Not applicable.


Perform the following steps before any repair:

1. Check the engine oil pressure as follows:

a. Disconnect wire from oil pressure switch.

b. Remove oil pressure switch and screw in oil pressure tester VAG1342.

c. Screw oil pressure switch (Figure 1, Point 2) into VAG1342.

d. Start engine and allow engine oil to reach a temperature of 80°C +1, -2°C. Check engine oil temperature with Instrument Panel- Measuring Value Block 50, position 3, address 17 or check MVB 134 point 1.

Figure 2 shows the relationship between oil temperature and oil pressure.

For example: The engine tested here has an oil pressure of 1.75bar at 80°C but measured at 90°C has a pressure of only 1.3bar. A 10°C difference in oil temperature resulted in a 0.5 bar pressure difference. This is 33% of the specified value. This demonstrates how important it is to measure at 80°C +1, -2°C.

Engine Oil Pressure Specifications at 80°C +1 -2°C

^ Relative oil pressure at idling speed: 1.5 bar

^ Relative oil pressure at 2,000 RPM: 3.0 bar

2. If oil pressure meets specifications, install new oil pressure switch. See parts list.

No further repairs are needed.

Only proceed if the oil pressure is still below the specified values after completing the above steps:

3. Replace the engine oil and the oil filter cartridge.

4. Check the engine oil pressure again, according to 1d.

5. If the engine oil pressure still does not meet the specifications shown above, check for possible oil leaks from the engine (e.g. around the camshaft adjuster units) that could cause the oil pressure to drop below the specified values.

6. If repair was needed in Step 5, check the engine oil pressure again, according to 1d.

7. If suction screen of oil pump (Figure 3, Point 7) is blocked more the 30%, replace the oil pump.

8. Check the torque of the drive sprocket bolt (Figure 3, Point 4). Re-torque bolt if necessary.

9. Replace the O-ring seals (Figure 4, Point 17) for the oil pump pipes. See Repair Manual >> Engine >> Engine Mechanical >> 17 Lubrication >> Removal+Installation >> Oil pump removal and installation.

10. Replace O-ring seal (Figure 5, Point 2) on the chain tensioner (Figure 5, Point 3). See Repair Manual >> Engine >> Engine Mechanical >> 17 Lubrication >> Removal+Installation >> Oil pump Drive or Chain Tensioner.

11. If repair was needed in Step 10, check the engine oil pressure again, according to 1d.

Only proceed if the oil pressure is still below the specified values after completing the above steps:

12. Replace the oil control valves (Figure 6, Points 2 and 12) and the spray jet valve (Figure 6, Point 9) in the valley. Replace O-rings (Figure 6, Points 1 and 11) Figure 6. The oil control valves (2 and 12), spray jet valve (9) and O-Rings (1 and 11).


Required Parts and Tools

Additional Information

All part and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Dept. and service manuals for the latest information.