Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Engine: Specifications

Cylinder Head
Replace cylinder head bolts.

Insert new cylinder head bolts and hand-tighten.
Tighten cylinder head bolts in sequence, in two stages.
Tighten using torque wrench:
1. Stage 40 Nm

Tighten using a solid wrench:
2. Stage 180° (1/2 turn) further

Intake Manifold

Bolt in intake manifold in diagonal sequence in stages (arrows).

Main Bearing caps

-Replace bolts -A- and nuts -1- to -8-.
Tighten bearing cap nuts or bolts in following sequence:
1. - Screw in bolts -A- hand tight.
2. - Tighten nuts -1- to -8- 35 Nm
3. - Tighten nuts -1- to -8- 90° (1/4 turn) further using rigid wrench.
4. - tighten bolts -A- to 20 Nm
5. - Tighten bolts -A- 90° (1/4 turn) further using rigid wrench.

Crankshaft Pulley

When installing the harmonic balancer, make sure notches (arrows) in harmonic balancer are aligned with locating lugs on toothed belt sprocket.


Drive Plate

Oil Pump

Coolant Pump