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Erase DTC Memory (Function 05)

Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Memory, Erasing (function 05)

- With the ignition switched off, connect Diagnostic Operation System VAS 5051A using, Diagnostic Cable - 3 Meter VAS 5051/5A and K-Lead Adapter Vas6017B VAS 6017B (or K-Lead Adapter VAS 6017A ) to the 16-pin diagnostic socket in the vehicle. Diagnostic Operation System VAS 5051A, Connecting and Selecting Functions
- Switch ignition on.
- Use address word "08" to select A/C heater electronics Diagnostic Operation System VAS 5051A, Connecting and Selecting Functions

Erasing DTC Memory

- DTC memory checked and all displayed faults rectified Displaying & Reading Trouble Codes

Indicated on display of Diagnostic Operation System VAS 5051A
- Select function "05 - Erasing DTC memory".

Indicated on display of Diagnostic Operation System VAS 5051A

- There is no display in zone -1 -.
- A box appears in display zone - 2 - with a message indicating that touching OK key will erase data (of fault memories) and requiring confirmation that function must be implemented.

- If display zone -1 - indicates "DTC memory not yet checked", check DTC memory and rectify any faults.
- The DTC memory is not erased if, for example, the ignition is switched off between checking and erasing the DTC memory.

- On display of Diagnostic Operation System VAS 5051A , touch "O.K." box in zone - 2 -.

As soon as the DTC memory has been erased, zone -1 - displays the message "DTC memory erased".
- On display of Diagnostic Operation System VAS 5051A , touch box with key.