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Rear Gas-Filled Shock Absorber

Rear gas-filled shock absorbers, releasing gas

A - Releasing gas by drilling

- Clamp gas-filled shock absorber vertically in vise, with piston rod facing downward.

CAUTION: Safety goggles must be worn when drilling.

- Drill a 3 mm diameter hole - arrow A - through outer tube of shock absorber.

^ Gas will escape during drilling.

- Continue drilling until inner tube is penetrated (approximately 25 mm deep).
- Drill a second 6 mm diameter hole - arrow B - through outer and inner tubes of shock absorber.
- Hold shock absorber over a drip tray and move piston rod up and down several times through entire stroke until no more fluid comes out.

B - Opening shock absorber with pipe cutter

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
^ Pipe cutter, e.g. Stahlwille Express 150/3

CAUTION: Safety goggles must be worn while drilling and sawing.

- Drill a 3 mm diameter hole - arrow - through outer tube of shock absorber, or saw through side of tube.

^ Gas will escape when drilling or sawing.

- Position pipe cutter (e.g. Stahlwille Express 150/3) as shown in illustration and cut through outer tube.
- Pull piston rod upward, at the same time holding inner tube securely with pliers and pressing it downward, so that it remains in outer tube when piston rod is slowly pulled upward.
- Pull piston rod off inner tube.
- Drain shock absorber tube.